Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two)

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Book: Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cameo Renae
him. At least he was alive.
    “I think the only way to get out of here is to just charge out and fight,” Malachi spoke first. “Once we clear the field, the four of you can make your escape.”
    “Well, h ow far is it to Hell?” I asked. As soon as the words left my lips, they sounded so strange, and so ridiculous, that I literally laughed out loud. A few seconds later, the whole table was laughing with me, and even Alaine had a smile on her face.
    At least we coul d laugh about it right now. I looked at all of the faces around the table and hoped that we could all be together again.
    “The closest porthole to Hell is in the town of North Pole. It sits in Santa’s workshop, directly behind his chair,” Malachi said.
    I burst into laughter again. “You’re kidding me, right? The place where Santa lives and happy Elves sing and make toys?” I answered in a snarky tone.
    “Who do you think created Santa? The real man, Nicholas, lived over two-thousand years ago. He was a Christian man, a man of faith, a Bishop, a Saint, and known for his anonymous giving to children. His story was passed down through the generations, but Lucifer thought it brilliant to take and twist the meaning.
    “ He used the story as a distraction, to haze the true meaning of Christmas, and replace it with a chubby man in a red suit, who would travel the world in one night, fulfilling worldly desires of children - toys, decorations, twinkly lights, feasts…yadda yadda.
    “ Christmas has become his ploy. What was once a time for celebration of life and love has now become about getting the biggest and best gifts. Most mortals have become spoiled and ungracious, and fail to appreciate the things right around them. They forget that Christmas is about love, and God’s perfect, selfless gift. So, ultimately…Lucifer’s ploy is working,” Malachi answered.
    Alexander blurted, “yeah, and didn’t you know that if you twist the word Santa a bit, you get-”
    “Satan,” I breathed figuring it out. But even if that wasn’t what it was meant for, it seemed like a damn good explanation.
    I wasn’t expecting that, and it really made me feel bad for all the times I begged for gifts, and wasn’t grateful for the ones I received and didn’t want.
    “Wow, ” was the only word that crept from my mouth.
    “ Yep. Through the years, Lucifer’s learned to play dirty. Human minds are soft and easy to bend and mold. Most will just follow, never questioning. They are like sheep being led to slaughter.
    “Given, t here are a few that rise up, and see the truth for what it really is, but they are usually seen as outcasts, preposterous, and maniacal for going against the majority. Mortals are a sad, ignorant race, and Lucifer thrives off of that,” James sighed.     
    “And we’re going to him for help?” I questioned, starting to doubt this whole quest. “If he’s as cunning as you say he is, then what’s to stop him from tricking us?”
    “ There’s no way of really knowing, Emma, and that’s the risk we’ll be taking. Right now, he’s the only one that can stop Lucian. Because there is a huge rift between them, Lucifer might be open to hear about it. This might be the only chance for him to seek vengeance. Yes, Lucifer is cunning, but more than that, he loves revenge, and he loves power.
    “ Lucian has wanted to rule over the Fallen, and has always questioned Lucifer’s power. He’s taken part of the Fallen army with him, and outright defied him. But if I know Lucifer, he’ll want to put him in his place. He’s planning something, and I’m sure of it. I’m a bit surprised it’s taken this long,” Danyel said.
    I f anyone knew about the Fallen and Lucifer, it would be him and Samuel.
    “ Danyel, I heard you say that there were five levels of Hell. I thought there were nine circles,” I questioned, remembering a paper I did in school on Dante’s Inferno.
    He laughed. “That was a book, written by a man who had mixed religion
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