Broken Lives

Broken Lives Read Online Free PDF

Book: Broken Lives Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brenda Kennedy
still married and I don’t want anything to jeopardize
the divorce. Most importantly, I don’t want to confuse the
    “ That’s right, and there is
the problem with the cooties we still need to take care of,” I say
to lighten the conversation.
    He pulls me closer to him and I rest my head
on his chest. “Do you think bug spray, mouthwash, or something like
that will kill cooties?” 
    “ I don’t know, you’re the
doctor.” I giggle. 
    “ Right, I’ll look for cootie
spray at work tonight.” 
    Alec kisses the top of my head and I snuggle
closer to him. 
    “ I’ve been needing a bedroom
suite for the spare room anyway. Maybe we can go shop for one this
    “ I’m off tomorrow and
    “ We have taekwondo tomorrow,
but we can look Wednesday.” 
    “ Sounds good, roomie. Walk
me to the door, I have to get going.” 
    “ I hate that you’ll be
working all night.” 
    “ Me too, swing shift used to
work for me, but now that I have you, I would rather only work
dayshift.” Alec stands and he pulls me up with him. We walk to the
door with my arms wrapped around his waist. 
    “ Lock up and call 911 if you
have any problems; then call me on my cell phone.” 
    “ Alec, I’m a grown woman and
this isn’t my first time staying home alone.” 
    “ I know, but I want to make
sure my family is safe. I love you, and call me if you need
    He called us his family and I want to cry. My
nose tingles and I rub it to make it stop. “I will and I love you,
too. Be careful and have a great night.” 
    “ I will. Make sure you lock
up, Emma.” 
    I shower before getting the kids up for
school. I decide on a white sweater dress with black heeled boots.
I leave my long blond hair down and straight. I am shocked when I
walk out of the bedroom and Alec is home. He is in the living room
talking to Raelynn about staying with us for a while. He speaks
very sweetly to her and tells her how much he cares for me and
James. I don’t interrupt, and I stay back and listen to their
conversation. Rae asks will I be her new mom, and I can’t hear what
he says. I clear my throat before walking in the room where they
    “ There you are.” I smile as
I walk over to Raelynn. “I didn’t expect you home so soon,” I say,
smiling at Alec. 
    Alec stands and kisses me. “I rushed home
after work. I even had time to stop by the house to get some things
first. You look gorgeous.” 
    “ Thank you, I hope you got
the taekwondo uniforms for tonight?” 
    “ Yep, it’s the first thing I
    I sit down beside Rae and give her a good
morning hug. “Raelynn, would you and your dad like to stay here
with James and me for awhile?” 
    “ Can I sleep in James’
    I look back at Alec and he has a raised brow.
I ask Rae, “Do you want to sleep in James’ room?” 
    “ Yep, he’s going to be my
    “ Well, then, yes, you can
sleep in his room,” I say and then add, “Raelynn?” 
    “ Yes,
    “ Raelynn,” Alec says,
clearing his throat. “Don’t tell anyone about James being your
brother, just yet.” 
    “ Ok, daddy. Can I wake up my
brother, now?” she asks, as she stands up and skips out of the
    I look at Alec and he looks at me. “What just
happened?” I ask. 
    “ I think Rae just proposed
to you for me.” 
    “ Either that, or she just
adopted James into your family.” 
    “ I’m good with either of
those.” Alec stands and walks out of the room. 
    I stand there and I try to figure out what
just happened. I decide I better go and get James ready for school.
When I walk into James’ bedroom, Alec is standing at his closet.
“What do you want to wear today?” Alec asks while looking in the
    James walks over to his closet and Alec picks
him up so he can see his shirts. I stand back and watch as Alec
lets my son select his clothing for school. Rae watches. 
    “ Daddy, James should wear a
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