Broken Heart 06 Come Hell or High Water

Broken Heart 06 Come Hell or High Water Read Online Free PDF

Book: Broken Heart 06 Come Hell or High Water Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michele Bardsley
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
minute, to think. To plan. In the history of vampire bindings, there had been only one known breaking - and it had taken a very rare fairy wish. The world had been losing its magical beings - just look at how giants and pixies had disappeared. It still blew my mind that humans and paranormals used to know of each other, used to live together, if not in harmony, then at least with the certain knowledge that the world belonged to more than just one dominant species.
    I circled back to my original thought: How could I get a fairy wish? And what else might break a binding?
    I might as well try to find Atlantis.
    "The demon hunters will return." His gaze flicked away. "And others will find us. Nicor gave away our location."
    "Oh, boo-hoo," I said. Then, because I couldn't help it, "You've hidden your demon-ness from them for a month. Why'd they figure out it now?"
    "Don't you know?" he asked, knowing full friggin' well I didn't. He shook his head. "Family Durga vampires are trained since their Turning to fight demons. But not you, Phoebe. Why is that, I wonder?"
    There was something knowing in the tone of his words, and underneath that thin veil of arrogance I sensed he knew things about me, about my undead life, that I didn't. Other than a few terse lessons from the Family founder, Durga, who betrayed Broken Heart a couple years ago and ended up banned with her cohort, the Ancient Koschei, I hadn't had any contact with other Family Durga members. I was the only one who lived in town. And though we'd gotten plenty of new residents, we hadn't gotten any new vampires from my Family line. I'd learned how to fight, though, and how to access my magic. Until this moment, it had been enough. I was angry that he was right, and curious about what else I should know. Damn it. If I'd known those secret things Connor hinted at, I would've pegged him for a demon before I'd slept with him.
    "How'd he find you?" I asked again.
    His lips thinned. "The transmogrification spell ended. They know my magical signature. Most demons have a unique pattern. If you know what you're doing, you can use it to track them."
    I was surprised he'd actually told me, and I wasn't sure how to handle the dichotomy of truth wrapped in lies. Or lies wrapped in truth.
    "What do the demon hunters want?" I asked. "Better yet, what do you want?"
    He studied me, and then shook his head, as if he'd found me unworthy of the truth. "Get dressed."
    "I'm not going anywhere with you."
    "You are," he said in a hard voice. "Willin' or not."
    My belly squeezed and it took every ounce of willpower I had not to take a step back.
    "You threatening me?" I asked, trying to keep a bold tone. I wouldn't turn away from his gaze, which glittered like gemstones.
    "Why wouldn't I?" he asked coldly. "I already lied to you." He crossed the room in the blink of an eye and clamped one of my wrists. "I already fucked you."
    I slapped him, which made my hand sting and his cheek go red. He had blood pressure, and a heartbeat. Still, the smack had been a reaction born from shock, and there'd been no real power behind it. Certainly no vampire strength: I could've knocked his head off his shoulders.
    Satisfaction glowed in his eyes, and there, too, was the shadow of that unimpeachable sorrow of his. I'd made the bastard feel better, less guilty, because he'd far prefer to deal with my anger than with my wretchedness.
    "Get your clothes, lass. Or you'll go as you are."
    "Where?" I said, frustrated. "Where are you taking me?"
    Connor didn't get a chance to answer the question.
    The entire room shook - and I thought, Earthquakes in Oklahoma? - and a roaring sound like thunder blasted through. I covered my ears, but it didn't help much. Jesus. That was some noise right there.
    The roar turned into a loud crack , and light flickered like a crazed disco ball.
    The silence was sudden.
    In front of us stood a woman and a demon. The demon had marbled skin, which made it look as though an emo kindergartner had
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