Broken Desires

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Book: Broken Desires Read Online Free PDF
Author: Azure Boone
father.” Sofia stood and closed her eyes. “But then…”
    “Ohhh, but then, yes?”
    “Then he dropped a plate of food off at my door a few hours later with a sorry note. Asked if he could try again and reminded me to reschedule my appointment. So. He seems to want to see me again, even if it’s in the stirrups.”
    “Did you reschedule?”
    “Tomorrow morning at ten o-clock.”
    “Hihihi, yes. This is so good!”
    “Shit, now I have to shave my pussy again. The damn hair on it is just long enough to make me look like half gorilla.”
    “Shave? No no no, use a hair removal!”
    She’d never considered that. “Seriously? Wouldn’t that burn?”
    “I know women who do it all the time. It’s fine, your coochie will be smooth as a babies butt.”
    “Well shit, that sounds a hell of a lot easier than shaving the damn thing. If you’d seen the positions I had to get in to be sure every hair was accounted for. Looked like a perverted contortionist. Gotta go, Gammie’s calling.”
    “You fucking call me, don’t leave me hanging!”
    “Sorry, I promise.”
    Daniel considered taking a Valium just to steady his hands. She’d rescheduled. His cock throbbed painfully every time he thought of touching her.  What would her breasts look like? Feel like? Was she as nervous as he was? How would he ask her out again? And when? He’d no doubt have that answer after the exam. It all hinged on that, how she responded to his touch. He’d know everything after. And he could hardly stand the wait.
    Sofia tried to calm her nerves but nothing helped. If anything, the second time around after meeting Dr. Fletcher was harder. She’d thought it’d be easier now that they were acquainted. Wrong. Much worse. More intimate.
    “Miss Parsons?”
    Sofia got up and went through the same piss routine without a hitch and headed to the torture chamber. She decided to put the backward gown on backward s, putting the opening at the front. Just made more sense. She climbed up on the table, glad to not have her bare ass on the crinkly paper. Ohhh the deja v u!
    How would he act with her? How should she act with him?
    Like no big deal, like this is a disgusting, boring profession for him. Treat him like a horse, don’t panic and he should be normal.
    The door opened all too soon and she was hit with his smile. The thing was like a tornado in her mind, bl asting all composure and planned greetings to smithereens. “Sofia, how are you?”
    The question was as genuine as they came. Like he literally wanted to know. “I’m…I’m fine thank you.”
    “You enjoyed the food?”
    “Every bit of it.” She gave a gaspy laugh. “I ate it slow. Savored it.”
    He paused and looked at her. “Thank you.”
    She pursed her lips nervously then remembered it made her look like a silly child. If she wasn’t losing her mind, there was a flicker of something hot in his eyes before he took his seat before her. He was such a contradiction. Acting like he didn’t like women while sporting a hard on. What was his game? Hard to get? He had the hard part down.
    “So, we’re going to do this today?” he asked, meeting her gaze, his dark denim blue eyes back to professional.
    “Looks like it.”
    “Are you nervous?”
    “Nah.” She smoothed her gown. “Yeah, a little. ”
    “Please, don’t be. I’ll be quick but gentle.”
    Ooookay, that didn’t help her heart rate. Not the gentle part.
    “Did you need to discuss anything with me? Any new problems since we last talked?”
    Assuming he meant last they talked in his office. She shook her head. “Nothing gynological… that I’m aware of.” Shiiiiit she’d said that stupid ass word, and by the way he grinned told her it was so not a word.
    “ Okay then. I’ll get the nurse in here and we’ll begin.”
    She nodded her affirmative, gnawing her lower lip off. A few seconds later and they were back to where they left off on her first visit.
    He came and stood on her right
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