
Brody Read Online Free PDF

Book: Brody Read Online Free PDF
Author: Emma Lang
saddle and did a quick check of his horse’s hooves.
    Olivia stuck her face right in his. “No, that’s not enough but it’ll do for now because you’ve agreed to be my partner.”
    He snorted at her. “Your partner? No, Miss Graham, I’ve allowed you to be my partner. Don’t forget that.”
    Olivia didn’t speak after that but he could almost hear her yelling at him in her head. The woman had too much passion for her own good. He liked his women meek and quiet. She was neither—quite the opposite actually. If he’d had to pick a partner, she wouldn’t have been it. Rangers never let anyone get under their skin, but she could probably accomplish that task.
    The idea that he was stuck with her until they finished the investigation hadn’t really sunk in yet. It could take weeks, possibly even a month.
    And he was stuck with Olivia Graham until then.
    Brody let his decision wash over him as they rode. She was going to be helpful, but at what cost? His sanity more than likely. Then there was the attraction he’d been fighting since the moment he’d seen her three months earlier. Those apple-sized breasts, that beautiful skin and eyes, and her hair. He’d had dreams about her soft, brown hair, about how it would look spread out on a pillow.
    It was stupid to spend his time fantasizing over a woman he could never have. When he’d signed up to be a ranger, he’d never expected to have a permanent woman in his life. It had been he and his brothers for so long, he didn’t remember how soft women were or how good they smelled, until Olivia. She’d showed him what he’d been missing and he resented her for that, whether or not it was her fault.
    A sharp snap in the woods beside him surprised him. How long had he been woolgathering? Foolish man. He dragged his attention back to the task at hand. Bluehound had told him about a man named Sanchez, the one remaining member of Jeb’s gang who was still in the area. From what the half-Indian had said, Sanchez was heading to Mexico real soon. Finding the man and interrogating him was important.
    “Are we close?”
    At first, Brody didn’t answer. He almost asked if she wanted to be close to him, but caught himself before he said something so stupid. Then it dawned on him she was referring to their quarry, not their relationship. If he’d had less control, he might have even blushed.
    “Yep. A couple more miles, just over that rise.” He pointed to a small hill ahead. “There is no way to sneak up on him, so we need to wait until he leaves and follow him.”
    “Why wait?” She turned and grinned at him. “I’ll ride up and pretend I need help. Does he know your face?”
    “Well, no—”
    “Good, then you can be my dumb husband.” She pointed at the rifle. “Keep that on the other side so he doesn’t see it. I’ll have my pistol in my pocket. We can convince him to tell us whatever we need to know. If he doesn’t tell us, we make him.” The feral gleam in her eye made him pause to consider her plan.
    It was better than waiting until the man left. After all, the information could be wrong. It could be hours before Sanchez left, maybe even days. Was he prepared to wait that long? Not if her plan could actually work.
    “I’ve been told he has a mean streak. The one thing he loves more than a good lay is a bottle of whiskey.” He wanted to shock her, to make her consider what she was doing before it was too late.
    “What if I act the wanton, maybe a traveling whore, and you my houseboy?” She frowned at the horizon. “Convince him that I would trade time in his bed for traveling money.”
    Brody pulled his horse to a stop and stared at her. “You’re going to turn yourself into a whore to get information ?”
    She glanced back at him. “No, of course not. Once he’s distracted by my, ah, offer, we can tie him up and make him tell us what he knows. Won’t that work?”
    Damn, it just might.
    “You’ll need to look a little looser.” He glanced at
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