price of one. This way, the work will get done faster.”
And Chad would be able to go to camp. Zeke bit down hard on his back teeth. No way was he backing down on this. The kid had done the damage, and he would pay the debt.
“Can I speak to you for a moment?” Zeke asked.
She stared at him for a long, loaded second before nodding her assent. Zeke led the way to the gravel parking area in front of the shop. When they were beyond Chad’s earshot, he turned, settled his hands at his hips, and locked gazes with her.
“I told you last night, I don’t think this is a wise idea,” he said softly.
She blinked, managing to look both innocent and sexy at once. “You don’t think what is a wise idea?”
“You coming over here to help.”
“Why not?”
“Because the boy needs to be taught a lesson.”
Two bright spots of color flagged her delicate cheekbones. Her lovely brown eyes flashed with anger. In that moment, Zeke was convinced that he’d never seen a more beautiful woman.
“Excuse me? Chad is my son. As long as you receive recompense for the damages, I fail to see how his upbringing is any of your concern.”
She had a point, but Zeke chose to ignore it. “Chad is the one who vandalized my property. He should be the one to make restitution. I made my position on that clear.”
“True, but you were mad. I hoped you’d be reasonable this morning.”
“I’m being perfectly reasonable.”
“There are a number of things happening in Chad’s life right now that you don’t understand.”
“I understand that he’s too old to be mollycoddled and let off easy.”
“I’m not asking you to let him off easy. I’m asking only that you work with me and be fair.”
“By doing the repairs myself, I’m shaving off at least five hundred dollars in labor, and I cut him some slack on the hours. That’s fair. You can’t say it’s not.”
“My son is going through a very difficult time.”
“We all go through difficult times. That doesn’t give us license to destroy other people’s property.”
“Who’s going to supervise him for three and a half weeks? Don’t you have a job?”
“I own a ranch-supply store. I’ll juggle the schedule, do the ordering and books at night. I’ll be here to monitor him.”
Her cheeks grew even redder. “I still fail to see how my helping would be a bad thing. Your place will be put back to rights more quickly that way.”
“And Chad will get to go to camp?”
Her eyes sparked with indignation. “You’re overstepping your bounds, Mr. Coulter. Whether or not my son goes to camp is none of your business.”
“Wrong. It became my business when he threw the first tomato.” When she started to speak again, Zeke held up a staying hand. “I’ve stated my terms. If you don’t like them, we can always let Chad’s punishment be decided in juvenile court. Is that what you want?”
At the threat, her face drained of color. “You know it isn’t.”
“Then leave it alone. It won’t kill Chad to work off the debt by himself, and he’ll learn a valuable lesson while he’s at it. If this isn’t nipped in the bud now, what’ll he do next, rob a convenience store?”
“Don’t be absurd! He was just acting out to get attention.”
She obviously hadn’t been around many teenage boys. If Chad continued on his present course, she would have no control over him in another few years. “Mission accomplished. He definitely has mine.”
“Oh, how I wish I had a thousand dollars. I’d pay you off so fast it’d make your head swim! If you’re so keen to raise kids, have some of your own.”
“It takes a village. You ever read that book?”
Arms rigid at her sides, she gathered her hands into fists. Zeke had a bad feeling that she yearned to punch him. “You’re insufferable.”
She whirled and stalked away. After taking several steps, she turned back to scorch him with another fiery glare. “Everything else in his world has been taken away—his