Bridenapped The Alpha's Choice

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Book: Bridenapped The Alpha's Choice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Georgette St. Clair
to his feet, laughing. “Hey, man, just doing my job. Getting you riled up. Don’t want to see you getting soft on us.”
    Jarrod grinned fiercely. “I’ll show you how soft I am.”
    “I’m not sure I like where this is going,” Craig mocked, dancing back out of Jarrod’s reach.
    Jarrod was about to lunge forward and ring Craig’s bell when he heard angry male voices, raised in argument, coming from the left side of the rec center. Jarrod growled in annoyance. He loved his morning sparring, he’d been in the zone, and being interrupted irritated the hell out of him.
    He stalked around the corner, fists balled, with Craig right behind him.
    A man in a suit was yelling at Earvin, Jarrod’s uncle. The man was accompanied by several werewolves in uniform, bearing the insignia of the Alpha Congress, Pack Games Division.
    Earvin’s ears had gone pointy, his face was hairy, and claws curved out of his fingertips. He was on the verge of fully shifting.
    “You’ll let us do the testing, or your pack is out of the games!” the man was yelling at his uncle.
    “After those accusations hit the paper,ou knew the testing was coming,” Jarrod said to him.
    His uncle scowled at him. “I’m handling it.”
    “I’m pack Alpha, so actually I’m handling it.”
    His uncle glowered at him. “You’re Alpha Regent. You’re not officially our Alpha until and unless you get married.”
    The man who’d been yelling turned away from Earvin and spoke to Jarrod. “Doctor Henry Costello, Chief Officer of the Alpha Games Medical Commission,” he said, leaning his head back and exposing his throat to indicate submission to the Alpha.
    Jarrod nodded in acknowledgement. “Jarrod Shaw, Alpha Regent of the Magister Pack. How can I help you?”
    “New Alpha Games rules. We require a series of blood samples from all participants in the games to ensure that there’s no use of performance-enhancing drugs.”
    Earvin’s snout shot out and saliva drooled from his jaws. He growled something incomprehensible.
    “Change the fuck back,” Jarrod said irritably. “Can’t understand a word you’re saying.”
    Earvin’s whole body shuddered and, with visible effort, he forced his head back into human form. “That is an insult to our pack,” he snarled.
    “No, it isn’t, not if they’re requiring it of all packs,” Jarrod snapped at him. “How would it make us look if all the other packs agreed to the tests and we didn’t?” The Alpha Congress had been smart to do it that way. They’d avoided directly accusing the Magister Pack of cheating, and also made it impossible to refuse to take the tests.
    Earvin didn’t answer, just glowered.
    “We have nothing to hide. Test away. We will not interfere,” Jarrod said to Henry.
    “We need all the athletes to meet us at your clinic,” Henry said. “You have two dozen contestants. By the end of this weekend, I need blood samples from all of them. I will personally supervise the blood draw, and from each athlete we will take two vials. We will take one vial with us and leave one behind. We will be leaving three of our men on your property, guarding the vials around the clock, until the testing is done.” He nodded at the uniformed men. “Of course, you may also assign men from your pack to guard the vials with us while we wait for results.”
    “That is entirely fair. See that it’s done,” Jarrod said to Craig. “Give them whatever they need. Call me if there are any problems.”
    Craig nodded. “We can take my car; I’ll take you to the clinic,” he said.
    Earvin watched them walk towards the front of the building, his lip curled and fists bunched, then whirled to face Jarrod with a snarl.
    “You have a lot of nerve,” he growled. “I’m the pack Gamesmaster, and I set the rules.”
    “You calling me out?” Jarrod met his uncle’s gaze with a steady stare. “Or are you saying that we have something to worry about? Are you concerned about what they’ll find with the
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