Breath of Life

Breath of Life Read Online Free PDF

Book: Breath of Life Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sara Marion
Paxton sighed and looked out the window. Dr. Keeler noticed how broken she looked. It was then that Dr. Keeler knew she didn’t belong in here but Paxton had to help herself get out of here. Dr. Keeler needed Paxton to start opening up to her.
    “I’ll be just a few minutes,” Dr. Keeler reassured her as she walked out of the room.
    On her way to her office, Dr. Keeler felt like she finally had somewhat of a trust breakthrough with Paxton. She felt comfortable enough to break down and let someone help her after all these months. She got to her office and grabbed a few notes, her recorder, head phones, and her netbook. She put it all in her briefcase and started to head back to the room.
    “Dr. Keeler!” A voice yelled down the hall.
    She turned and saw Jack striding down that hall. She was not sure what he was doing here. Visiting hours were almost over. Surely no one let him in to see Paxton especially after her breakdown. Dr. Keeler needed to keep him out of Paxton’s hearing range.
    “Mr. Mercier, what are you doing here?”
    “I called earlier to check on Paxton and they said you have been in her room for a few hours. Your damn secretary wouldn’t say what’s going on. What happened?” Jack seemed agitated.
    Dr. Keeler knew she needed to set boundaries with him. He couldn’t come running in here every time he didn’t like how things were being handled.
    “Nothing that has happened would have warranted a call. She had a breakdown. They happen in a place like this, it does not mean that we call the families to let them know. She’s trying to recover, it’s just a part of it.”
    “She’s my wife ! I should know what is going on whether it’s minuscule or not.”
    “Really? Where have you been all this time? I know you two are separated. You filed for divorce she just hasn’t signed because currently she thinks she’s not in the right mind.” She hit him below the belt with that statement, she knew it. “I’m sorry that was out of line.” She quickly apologized. She knew she crossed a professional line.
    Jack didn’t say a word. He just stared at her because deep down he knew it was true. He hadn’t been there for her and once again those divorce papers came back to haunt him. His shoulders dropped from their defensive pose. He hung his head and looked at the floor.
    “I still love her though,” his voice was sullen.
    “Then please, give her the space she needs right now. Go home Jack. She doesn’t need this. Please let me help her.”
    “What happened today? Please just tell me and I will leave.” His head raised and Dr. Keeler could see that he was pleading with her.
    “I can’t tell you.”
    “She’s my wife, dammit. Just please, please tell me.”
    Dr. Keeler knew now was the time to give him some information, it should placate him. “I can’t tell you because I don’t know. She sat in silence after letting out an inconsolable rage. That’s all I can tell you.”  She hardened her look.
    “Fine. Please just keep me informed.” He walked away before she could answer.
    She shook her head at him and returned to the room. When she walked in she figured Paxton was asleep because she didn’t move.  Dr. Keeler set her stuff on the table as quietly as she could. She opened her netbook and let it start up.
    “Jack was here. What did he want?” A small voice from the other side of the room asked. Dr. Keeler wasn’t sure what to say. “I know he was just here. Why?” she said with more force.
    “He heard something may have happened this afternoon but my secretary didn’t elaborate. He wanted to know what was going on,” Dr. Keeler’s voice was flat. She tried to keep all emotion out of it. Jack’s frustration, his anxiety about Paxton, her reluctance to actually let Paxton know he was here.
    “I see,” she said nothing further but just stared at the wall. Her hands were still restrained but Dr. Keeler didn’t think it was necessary anymore. She walked over and undid the
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