
BoysLikeYou.indd Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: BoysLikeYou.indd Read Online Free PDF
Author: Juliana Stone
But still, my therapist would be fist- pumping right
    about now.
    “I can’t drive, so…I mean, I can drive, I’m just not allowed
    to, um, drive right now.” Nathan said the words as if he could
    barely get them out. His eyes narrowed, like he was mad, and he
    looked at the floor.
    Gram’s face softened. “That’s not a problem. Monroe can
    take my car.”
    What? Wait a second. She was going to let me drive her
    big boat?
    I glanced out the window at the big beast, or what Gram
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    referred to as “the Matlock.” I had no clue who or what a Matlock was, though she told me once he was a judge or an actor…or
    an actor judge. Who knows, but the car was long and silver and
    shiny, and did I say long? She was crazy to let me drive it.
    “Oh,” Nathan mumbled. “I guess that could work.”
    Gee, don’t be all excited or anything.
    “Thank you, Nathan,” Gram said with a big, embarrassing
    smile on her face. Nothing like being pimped out by your own
    flesh and blood. “Do you want Monroe to give you a ride
    home tonight?”
    “No,” he answered quickly.
    So quickly that I whipped my head up, no longer interested
    in the pretend piece of lint I was picking off my skirt. Okay, I
    knew I wasn’t supermodel material or anything, but I wasn’t dog
    meat either, so his attitude hit a nerve. The thing of it was I was surprised at my reaction.
    “I could use a walk after eating all that food.” Nathan glanced
    at me, and I hoped he could tell that I wasn’t into this peach
    thing. It wasn’t my fault that Gram was hopelessly looking for
    ways to— what had my therapist called it? Engage me. She
    wanted to bring me back to life and was willing to sell me to the local hottie to do it.
    “Monroe will pick you up around four tomorrow, sound good?”
    His eyes were still on me, so I thrust out my chin, though when
    his gaze wandered down to my chest— just for a second— my
    breath caught and I hated the blush that stained my cheeks.
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    I could say no. I could ruin Gram’s expectations that her
    granddaughter would have a great night. Or her hope that,
    finally, Monroe would snap out of the funk that was never
    ending. I could disappoint her and watch the light fade from her
    eyes. I could watch her smile disappear altogether. Lord knows
    I’d done it to my parents many times in the past year.
    But I couldn’t. Not with Gram. Besides, it would be worth it
    just to make Nathan as miserable at the thought of a night out
    with me as he obviously felt.
    “Monroe?” Gram asked again, and I glanced toward her.
    “I’ll try and fit it into my schedule.” I pushed my chair back
    and left.
    Of course I didn’t want to seem too eager or anything.
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Chapter Six
    At two minutes after four, I watched Mrs. Blackwell’s old
    Crown Vic make its way up my driveway. The thing was prac-
    tically an antique, but man, she kept it mint. American- made
    and a pig on gas, the car had to be at least twenty feet long.
    And judging by the speed at which Monroe turned into our
    driveway, it would be lucky if it was returned to its owner
    without a ding or two.
    She drove like a city girl, which would be one speed, fast, and
    it was obvious she didn’t know how to corner the damn thing.
    I wasn’t sure what Mrs. Blackwell was thinking letting Monroe
    drive, but then, it wasn’t my car.
    My jaw tightened as I glanced toward the garage. Toward the
    car that was mine. The one that was off limits.
    Monroe pulled up and threw the Crown Vic into park, her
    eyes finding mine as she sat there for a moment. I wondered if
    she was as uncomfortable about this situation as I was.
    It wasn’t like it was a date or anything, and I wasn’t sure if she BoysLikeYou.indd 41
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    knew that. I decided as I took the
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