Boys That Bite
examines her powder-white skin. "Yeah. I'd never have to worry about accidentally tanning. Wonderful." She's thought of everything, hasn't she? "What about a boyfriend? You'd never get a boyfriend. You'd never get married. Unless, I guess, you had a night wedding ..." "I'd get something better. When someone is selected to become a vampire, he or she is assigned a sponsor," Rayne explains. "The person who has agreed to donate a drop of his or her own blood to aid in your transformation. Afterward, you'll share a blood link with that person forever. He'll be your soul mate. Well, technically your blood mate, as you sort of have to give up that whole soul thing, when you turn." She pauses, staring into the distance, looking a little sad. "Magnus was supposed to be my blood mate. Now he's yours." Aha! So that's why she's so upset. She thinks I stole her boyfriend. Just goes to show, even in the crazy supernatural world, at the end of the day it all comes down to the green-eyed monster we call jealousy. "Dude, you can have him," I say, holding my palms out. "I want nothing to do with that jerk." Rayne turns back to look at me. "You don't understand," she says, her eyes weepy and downcast. "He's turned you. So you're connected. Forever. Whether you like it or not." "That would be a definite not." "You know, you don't have any clue what a priceless gift you've been given," Rayne says, her voice taking on an irritated edge. "Immortality. The perfect existence. The hottest blood mate to walk the earth. And you're probably more concerned about whether someone's going to ask you to the prom." "Well, it is this Saturday ..." "Man, I can't believe how much this sucks." Rayne angrily swipes her face with her sleeve. Is she crying? Oh man. She is crying. She's so totally whacked. "Look, Rayne," I say, for some inexplicable reason actually feeling the tiniest bit bad for her, "once we get this whole thing reversed, I'm sure you and Magnus can continue your sick and twisted relationship. You can become a vampire and live Gothily ever after." "I wish." Rayne sniffs. "But no. Even if the process can be reversed, I'll have to start all over. Get back on the waiting list. Find a new sponsor." "Why?" "Vampires are allowed to turn only one person in their lifetime. Basically so there's never a blood shortage like the Red Cross always seems to have," she explains. "After they turn the person, they're linked to them forever. Blood mates, until one of them dies." "Er, how can you die if you have eternal life?" "Oh, plenty of ways. Burned by sunlight. Caught in a fire. Stabbed with a wooden stake through the heart, you know. All the tragic things that happen in the movies." Okay, let's take note here: blood-drinking movie clichés, wrong. Methods of killing a vampire, should one be in the position to do so, spot on. Which brings me to the $64,000 question. "How do you know all this stuff?" Rayne shrugs. "Like I said. I've studied. Three months ago, when I started my training, I actually created a blog to catalog my research." She gestures to her computer. "You should probably check it out. I mean, at the very least it'll outline what you need to know about your transformation. It's kind of bad how unprepared you are. Everyone else that gets turned goes through an extensive three-month certification program." She's got her Vampire Certificate? Is it suitable for framing? "I can't believe how organized this whole thing is," I marvel. "It's a multibillion-dollar operation," Rayne says. "And very high tech." She jumps off the bed and heads over to her computer, clicking on the monitor. "C'mere." I come behind her and peer at the screen she's brought up. Sure enough, it's some kind of blog, all Gothed out in black and red. I guess the pastel template on wouldn't really fly for a vampire site. "Boys That Bite?" I ask, reading the heading. Rayne giggles. "Yeah, I came up with that name. Funny, huh?" "I guess." Vampire humor. Hardy har har. Rayne
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