Bound Together

Bound Together Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bound Together Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marie Coulson
Josh, my
high school sweetheart, for two years. He was my first everything.
First kiss, first love and the first and only guy I’d ever slept
with. But, the summer before senior year he’d gotten a job working
in his dad’s shop. We saw each other less and less and I knew we
were growing apart. He would hardly call and when I called he was
always too busy or on his way out. Mel had suggested we go to the
beach to “get me out of my stupid, mopey mood”. I’d agreed and it
had made me feel a little better. That was until I saw Josh walking
down the beach holding hands with a long legged, bikini wearing
girl from the cheerleading squad. They stopped and I saw him kiss
her deeply. I marched over, shoved him hard in the chest and told
him I never wanted to speak to him ever again. And I never did.
Senior year he transferred out of state to live with his
    Oliver leaned forward,
putting his elbows on the table. “What happened?”
    I glanced at him then back down at the drink
in my hand. “The usual thing. Young. First love. Guy turns out to
be a cheating slime ball.”
    He put his hand over mine
and smiled.
    “Well, I’d say he’s an
idiot and a real douche.”
    I knew he was trying to
reassure me but the touch of his hand on
mine was giving me sinful ideas . I thought
about his hand sliding up my arm to my neck, caressing it as he
kissed me with those beautiful lips. I could feel myself blushing
again. What was wrong with me?! I nodded and smiled back at him as
he removed his hand from mine. Oliver wasn’t like the other guys. I
could tell. But boy did I hope he wasn’t just all talk. I could use a little action
in my life.
    I was just starting to
relax and enjoy myself when a large, balding man walked onto the
stage, bellowing at the crowd for the first sacrifice to come and
take the mic. People were talking amongst themselves without paying
him much attention and a few heads turned his way but no one seemed
to be brave enough to volunteer. Then, out of nowhere, Amy’s hand
shot up like a rocket. I stared at her with wide eyes. What was she
    “We are!”
    I nearly choked on my
drink. Who the hell were we ? I glared at her and prayed she
meant the royal we and not me and her we. The guy at the mic smirked and
invited her up. She quickly got to her feet and grabbed my hand,
which I tried frantically to release but her deathlike grip kept me
captive in her palm.
    “No Amy. No way. Not in a
million years are you getting me on that stage. You’re crazy! I
can’t play an instrument and I am not singing.” I hadn’t sung on
stage since high school when I was the lead vocalist for a small
band. But that was years ago and I was extremely out of
    Amy pulled my arm so hard
I thought it might dislocate. Instead, I was flying out of my chair
and onto my feet.
    “Oh nonsense. I’ve heard
you singing to your iPod and in the shower. You rock! And I play
the piano and sing. Come on, we’ll be like our very own girl band! This is
college and we’re supposed to be having fun remember, so play the
game Layla.”
    I wasn’t getting out of
this because before I knew it, she was pulling me to the stage. I
glared back at Oliver pleading with my
eyes for help but he just shrugged at me,
shaking his head and grinning from ear to ear.
    “Thanks a lot,” I mouthed,
feeling a little pissed that my new friend was taking delight in my
predicament. But that just made him laugh. Giving Nick a nod, he
gestured for him to join us on stage. Rolling his eyes, Nick got to
his feet, followed us up and sat behind the huge, red drum kit that
was on stage. One of the guys from our table had also climbed up
and was hooking up a gorgeous metallic blue guitar to an amp.
Feeling like a proper band, I smiled to myself as anticipation and
adrenaline began to bubble beneath the surface of my skin. Nervous
butterflies swarmed inside my stomach and I fought the urge to bolt
as Amy sat at the piano.
    “Let’s sing
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