Bound by Light

Bound by Light Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Bound by Light Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tracey Jane Jackson
Tags: Romance, Scotland, thane, cauld ane, gunnach
else, something you might find a little invasive.”
    Sydney settled the file on her lap.
    “I have disabled your social media
    “Because you need to be invisible for a
while.” He frowned as he took a deep breath. “Also, I have let Lucy
know and she’s a bit annoyed with me, but you will need to have
security with you anytime you leave the house.”
    “Seriously? Why?” Sydney bit her lip. “Am I
in danger?”
    “We don’t think so. Right now, it’s a
    “A precaution?” she challenged. “Uncle Cary,
tell me. Did something happen?”
    “Nothing I can talk about at the moment.
Will you trust me? At least for a little while?”
    “Um...I guess.” Sydney had no reason not to trust him and it wasn’t like this never happened. She
remembered Lucy complaining about tightened security a few years
ago when her dad was making a big merger. There’d been death
threats and Uncle Cary had hired bodyguards for both Lucy and Anson.
    He gave her a bolstering smile. “I know it’s
a pain, but you’ll find you forget they’re even there.”
    Sydney rolled her eyes. “I’m not so sure
about that.”
    “Humor an old man, eh?”
    “Do you think it’ll be a permanent
    “No, love, I don’t. But it’s permanent for
now,” he admitted.
    Sydney sighed. “What if I meet some dashing
Brit who sweeps me off my feet? I can’t have some strange man
following me on dates.”
    Uncle Cary chuckled. “We’ll cross that
bridge when we get to it.”
    “Okay.” She smiled, begrudgingly. “Thank you
for everything, Uncle Cary. I really appreciate it.” Sydney wasn’t
sure that was sincere, but since she was in her uncle’s home, she
would trust him.
    “Don’t mention it, sweetheart. You know
you’ve always been like another daughter to me. You are the very
best of my sister, you know. You remind me so much of her.”
    Sydney blinked back tears. “Thanks. I often
wished Anson and Lucy were really my brother and sister. You guys
were always so close and I wanted that.”
    “We were close, but you feel free to
torture Anson just as much as your mother tortured me. Lucy’s far
too nice to him.”
    Sydney giggled. “I’ll keep that in
    “Good.” He rose to his feet. “Lucy mentioned
something about a Thane Allen movie premiere tomorrow night?”
    “She did?” Sydney began to think of ways to
commit cousin-cide as she stood. “What did she say?”
    “Just that she wanted to go.” Her uncle
cocked his head. “Why?”
    Sydney relaxed. “Oh, nothing.”
    He hummed in suspicion. “Anyway, I’ve
wrangled a few tickets if you’d like to go.”
    “Oh, wow, that sounds fun.”
    “We’ll make it a family outing.” Uncle Cary
grinned. “Dinner first?”
    “Good. I’ll have my assistant set everything
    “Can’t wait.”
    Sydney hugged her uncle again and then went
to look for Lucy.
    * * *
    The next evening, the house was awash with
excitement. Sydney had never been to a movie premiere before and
felt her stomach flutter with nerves as she and Lucy dressed in
cocktail dresses and their favorite heels.
    The premiere was being held at the Empire
Cinema in Leicester Square and the family had the choice to walk
the red carpet with the celebrities or enter before they descended.
A resounding agreement was reached to skip the circus and sneak in
early, so they had to be out the door in less than an hour.
    “I wonder if he’ll ask you out again,” Lucy
    Sydney ignored the shiver that thought
created. “I doubt we’ll even see him.”
    “It’s very possible we’ll sit quite close to
    “No!” Sydney gasped. “Really?”
    Lucy giggled. “Really. It’s an intimate
event on celebrity event scales.”
    “Why did you do this, Luce? Maybe I should
just stay home.”
    “No way. Look at it as a nice family outing
and if we see the famous and gorgeous Thane Allen, then it’s a
bonus.” She raised an
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