Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure)

Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lea Barrymire
Tags: Romance
    “We will see each other tomorrow night, little girl. This was the best initiation ceremony I’ve ever performed. You are beautiful.” That male voice was enough to make her melt even further into the water. She felt a slight press of lips to her neck before he was gone. “I will send your sisters to tend to you.”
    “Are you all right?” Lena’s voice came on the heels of the male’s kiss. It was soft and close.
    A small, feminine hand pulled the blindfold from Rella’s eyes. She squinted a few times until her eyes adjusted to the light in the bathing room. She blushed. Her sisters stood around the foot of the tub, staring at her with a mixture of emotions on their faces. The knowledge that multiple, strange males had just been touching her made her gasp. Her mind finally seemed to come back from the orgasmic vacation and to reality. Why hadn’t she fought them? Females were taught from a very young age to never allow a male to touch them, especially in their sexual areas. What had she been thinking? She dropped her face in her hands as shame and embarrassment crashed down on her shoulders.
    “Why did you let them do that to me?” she said from between her fingers.
    “Everyone goes through this, Rella. It wasn’t something we could stop. Tomorrow is your first Unity Festival. Your ceremony has been scheduled for a full year.”
    She turned and glared at Bana. They had known for a year that this was going to happen?
    “You couldn’t warn me? I’m naked, sitting in a bath full of oils that make my body crazy, and you couldn’t explain what was going to happen?” As she spoke she could feel her body heating again.
    Marena stepped forward and looked uncomfortable. “We weren’t allowed to tell you. The males needed to test your receptivity without your knowledge. It’s part of the ritual. I am sorry.”
    “Can I get out, now? The oils are working again and I don’t need anyone to tell me that I’m going to be really uncomfortable really soon.”
    Bana knelt with a huff. “Enough. You had to go through this. We all did, and you will survive it just as we did. The longer you argue, the worse you will feel.”
    Rella nodded sharply, too keyed up to argue. She rose from the bath and took the drying cloth offered to her. She stood, shivering as her sisters emptied the bath and filled it with fresh water. Her body swung from being overheated and throbbing to icy cold with fear. The lack of control over her own desires terrified her. Linax oil was spoken of in whispers, behind cupped hands. Now she understood the fear and uncertainty that others showed when faced with a question about the substance. It robbed the victim of free will, forcing them to an arousal so much stronger than normal, with no way to combat it save release. She shuddered with the memory of the males and their rough hands stoking the flames of her arousal. Her body craved more, wanted to find them and beg to have those hands on her again. Her mind screamed at the weakness she showed.
    After another bath, this time without anything but clean water, Rella found herself standing in her own bedroom. She wasn’t tired, but she couldn’t face her sisters for another moment. They still refused to answer any questions about the ball, about the males that had so intimately touched her, or about the reasoning behind keeping it all secret. They told her to go to sleep and try to forget about it. Not likely while her body hummed with the memory of those hands skimming her skin.
    She groaned while she flopped on her bed. She couldn’t figure out why the males would have done what they did. How could that have anything to do with the ball? Her sisters said it was to determine how receptive she was, but to what? Being held down? Touched? Her face flamed with the memory of her voice reverberating around the room when she’d come.
    Tomorrow she was to wake, fix food for their morning meal and then wait in her room for her ball outfit. At least
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