Bound And Sold: Sex Slave Auction 1

Bound And Sold: Sex Slave Auction 1 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bound And Sold: Sex Slave Auction 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bree Bellucci
that the people were cloaked, their
faces and bodies covered by black robes. A shiver san down her spine. The
occult eeriness of the hooded people made her blood turn to ice in her veins.
    As they reached the top of the step, the march halted
abruptly. The dozen bounty men lowered their charges, straightening them into
standing positions. Anna cried out sharply as she was forced to put her weight
onto the injured leg. Her sudden, primal sound shattered the stifling since
that had enshrouded them so for long. A long hooded figure walked briskly
forward, forward the girl. Addison realized that when this person walked, the
others recoiled. He must be the leader, she thought to herself. But the real
question is, what is he the leader of?
    “What’s wrong with her?” the man barked. “Why is she crying
    “I don’t know, sir,” an unsteady voice said.
    “You don’t know?” said the leader, in deadly soft tones.
“How can it be that you don’t know?”
    “I don’t...know,” said the man in absolute horror, “Perhaps
she was hurt along the way, sir?”
    “Hurt?” snapped the leader, “How could she had gotten hurt?
Are you that careless, man? We can’t afford to have any damaged cargo!”
    “Cargo?” croaked Charlie. The entire collective reared back
as he spoke. The friends stood alone in the center of the circle, Anna being
held up by Grayson.
    “He speaks,” said the leader, clearly impressed. “So the
rest of you are good and functional?”
    “Who are you?” said Grayson, finding is voice.
    “My, my! They’re all waking up, aren’t they?” crowed the
man, “What a happy day this is! Why don’t we get out guests inside, then. I’m
sure that everyone is looking forward to the evening’s festivities.”
    “We’re not going anywhere!” Charlie cried, but it was
useless. The friends were jostled into the mansion, Grayson taking Anna into
his arms. Through cavernous, candlelit halls they were herded, down into the
depths of the estate. Down stairs, through countless stories they traveled,
until finally a heavy door way thrown open at the bottom of the world.
    Before them all stood what seemed to be a theater. A stage
was set for them, with four platforms. Stadium seats rose up all around, and
the space itself was ornate, beautiful, and flawlessly lit. A few enterprising
captors rushed the friends onto the stage as the others settled into seats around
the theater. Each of the four was manhandled onto a platform, though Anna had
to opportunity to sit. And as they were corralled, into place, heavy chains
fell upon their wrists and ankles.
    The captors joined the others in the audience as the friends
traded terrified glances. They were there on display in front of the terrifying
council, like goods arranged in a market. As they struggled to make sense of
what was happening, the leader of the party leapt on to the stage and spread
his arms benevolently.
    “Friends,” he cried to the assembled crowd, “Welcome, once
again, to our greatest of affairs. Our most important and glorious tradition.
Welcome to the annual auction!”
    The crowd erupted into cheers, and the friends’ jaws fell
open in utter disbelief. Auction? What could that possibly mean?
    “Let’s get started, shall we?” said the leader, retreating
from the stage to take a good look at the friends, “What have we here? A good
batch, to be sure. Before we clean them up, let’s have a little preview of
what’s to come?” The assembled crowd hollered their excitement, and the leader
smiled broadly up at the captives. “Who should we test out first?” he asked the
crowed. Voices erupted around the arena, until a unanimous voice came to a
    “The one who spoke first! And the girl that’s not broken!”
    “That sounds like an excellent idea!” said the leader,
“We’ll start with these two, to see what they’re made of!”
    Charlie and Addison exchanged fearful glances. What did he
mean, see what they were made
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