
Bottleneck Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bottleneck Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ed James
last year."
    Lamb nodded slowly. "That's right. You're a detective now, though. You were in uniform then, right?"
    "Acting DC," said Buxton.
    "You'll get there eventually, son," said Lamb.
    Buxton didn't seem to take any consolation from it.
    "So, what brings you here, Bill?" said Cullen.
    "I had a meeting with Jim Turnbull."
    Cullen's interest was piqued. "Oh aye, what about?"
    "Nothing to do with you," said Lamb, tapping his nose. "Angela came in with me. She was showing young Jamie off."
    Cullen looked around but couldn't see her. DC Angela Caldwell had worked both with and for him as the squad's Acting DC before Buxton. She'd just had a baby - the pregnancy a surprise as she put her missed periods down to stress from a painful divorce.
    "Right," said Cullen. "That'll be where Chantal got to." He finally spotted them, sitting in bollocking corner. "How's fatherhood?"
    "Good," said Lamb, exhaling deeply. "We've been lucky with wee Jamie. He sleeps like a log and not one with a chainsaw in it, either."
    "I seem to recall having conversations with both of you about you never having kids," said Cullen.
    Lamb shrugged. "Times change, I suppose."
    "Going to make an honest woman of Angela?" said Cullen.
    Lamb laughed. "That's the other thing she's showing off. A giant rock of an engagement ring. We're getting hitched next summer, make sure the wee man is a bit more settled by then."
    "And her divorce is sorted, I suppose?" said Cullen.
    "Finally came through," said Lamb. "No point in changing her name now."
    "She's going to take your name, then?" said Cullen.
    "Aye," said Lamb. "How's your other half doing? We'll need to get the pair of you to the wedding, of course."
    "If she'll want me there," said Cullen, recalling how frosty things had grown between them.
    "Water under the bridge now," said Lamb. "Anyway, how's it going with Sharon?"
    "Good," said Cullen. "We moved in together in January. Looking at buying a place."
    "No marriage plans yourself?" said Lamb.
    "She doesn't want it," said Cullen.
    "And you?"
    "No comment," said Cullen. "Other than that, she's fine. Stressed about this promotion she's going for."
    "Isn't everyone?" said Lamb. "Big changes afoot."
    "Tell me about it," said Cullen.
    "Grab your coffees, come over and see my wee boy," said Lamb.
    Cullen replaced the lid on his cup and followed Lamb and Buxton.
    Caldwell got to her feet, grabbing Cullen in a bear hug.
    Lamb took her seat while Buxton hovered uncomfortably not far from Chantal, who was holding up the baby and blowing on him, making him gurgle.
    "You're looking well, Scott," said Caldwell.
    Cullen shrugged. "I don't feel it."
    "Six months as an Acting DS is good," said Caldwell. "Maybe you'll stop moaning about not getting promotions."
    "We'll see if they let me keep it," said Cullen.
    "The glass is always half empty with you," said Caldwell.
    "Never mind that," said Cullen. "How's the baby?"
    "Good," said Caldwell. "I love him to tiny wee bits. When I found out I was pregnant I doubted I'd ever be maternal. Now, I just can't stop thinking about him. It's crazy."
    "You are coming back, right?" said Cullen.
    "Aye, of course," said Caldwell. "Couldn't afford to be a lady of leisure, much as I'd like to be." She looked at the baby. "I'm sure Sharon will be the same."
    "Mm," said Cullen.
    "Have I touched a nerve?" said Caldwell.
    "Don't worry about it," said Cullen, avoiding eye contact.
    Caldwell looked around. "Haven't seen her. Thought she'd be here."
    "She's at home," said Cullen. "Got a stinking cold. Besides, it was supposed to be her day off. You could head up to the flat if you wanted?"
    "Maybe," said Caldwell. "Do you want to hold him?"
    "I'm not a big fan of kids," said Cullen.
    "Really," said Cullen. "I don't want to be a dad."
    "No need to be a dick about it," said Chantal, handing the baby to Buxton.
    "I'm not being a dick," said Cullen, "I just don't want them thrust in my face, that's all."
    "You're being a dick, Scott," said
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