morning snack. She gave Ethan a cookie. The child looked at it, tasted it, and then placed it down on a storage box and ignored it.
“He doesn’t’ like sweets,” Harrison told her.
Angel smiled. “He ate sweet peas yesterday.”
“He likes vegetables. Go figure.”
“I’ll inform the dietician of that. But you know you’ll have to share banana splits with me instead of him since he doesn’t like sweets.”
“Any time,” Harrison said. “Next time we’ll get a little frisky and try it with sherbet.”
Angel ran her tongue over her lips. “I’ve never had it that way before. Is it good?”
Harrison nodded. “Especially with nuts shredded on it.”
“I like nuts,” Angel said.
He smirked. “Are you flirting with me?”
She nodded.
They turned their attention back on Ethan. Another child had joined him and he’d brought along a red truck. The two of them appeared to be having a fascinating baby discussion about the wheels while giggling.
A little girl toddled over to them carrying her doll and both boys ignored her.
“Stupid boys,” Harrison said. “That’s a pretty girl checking you guys out.”
Ethan stopped playing with the truck, took the girl’s hand, made her sit down on the floor and play with the truck.
“See,” Angel said. “He just needed to get used to the situation.”
Harrison sighed with relief. Maybe he wouldn’t have to pay for a psychiatrist to cure Ethan’s anti-social behavior. But he did have other issues that did need to be addressed. Ethan had put the truck on top of one of the crates and was trying to get on top of it.
“Did you manage to get the list together of the things I’m going to need to baby proof the house?”
Angel dug into her pocket and extracted a folded piece of stationery. She handed it to him. “Maybe I should have put a toddler bed on the list. I don’t think you’ll be able to keep him in the crib much longer.”
“Noted,” Harrison said as he pulled out a pen and added the bed to the list.
“And add a first aid kit,” Angel said as she watched Ethan try to pile a second crate on top of the first one. They got to Ethan before he made it to the top of the stack.
Angel escorted Harrison to her office and he filled out the registration form. Trudy had thought ahead and prepared him an envelope with Ethan’s birth certificate and immunization card. He and Ethan left the day care center right before lunch was served. Ethan threw a mini tantrum because he didn’t want to leave his new friends. “Don’t worry, you’ll get to play with them again tomorrow.” He’d already made up his mind that he had to have some free time during the day to get the dojo up and running. He still needed to clean the place, hire instructors, and advertise, and he couldn’t do it with Ethan. So he’d planned to drop him off early tomorrow morning and pick him up at five.
Harrison felt nervous as he dressed for his date with Angel. He’d already dropped Ethan at the day care center and would be picking him up as soon as they left the restaurant. He looked at himself in the mirror. It’d been a long time since he’d seen himself in anything except a uniform. His body still had most of its muscle, but he’d have to get back to exercising if he planned to maintain it. And he would have to watch his sweet intake if he planned not to get his love handles back. After dropping Ethan off earlier, he stopped for a haircut. Some routines were hard to break, and at his age, he didn’t think he looked good with long hair. He laughed, remembering what some of his friends looked like now since they retired. Most of them had put on a considerable amount of weight, wore their hair long, and some even had beards. That type of look was not for him. He liked looking neat with every hair in place. Once he finished admiring his face in the mirror, he decided it was time to leave. They had reservations for seven and he didn’t like to be late for
Anderson Cooper, Gloria Vanderbilt