Jacob still within me, our bodies wet and exhausted, hearts racing. Jacob wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me in close to his chest. We were one.
Chapter 6
Pulling up to the clubhouse for the first time I felt a wave of intimidation rush over me and suddenly wished that Kate was back from Mexico. I walked past several bikers, a few of them I recognized from last week.
“Here Kitty, Kitty,” I heard one of them call to me, but I knew better than to give notice to cat calls.
“Fuck off,” I called back. Several of the other guys chuckled and chided.
“Better watch your ass Prospect, that’s Jacob's girl.” I turned to the familiar voice and recognized Tank. He lifted his beer at me momentarily before returning to the woman who was straddling him. Walking inside I was surprised by the sheer size of the place. It was essentially a bar, and although it was only eleven, there was already a crowd of men laughing too loudly to be sober. Across from the bar was a stage and several women were on it practicing their moves. I watched curiously for a moment, feeling invisible as not a single soul noticed my presence.
Just when I was about to continue on a burly guy at the bar called out to me, “You lost sweetheart?”
I forced a smile and approached the men. “I'm Ally,” I replied, “I’m here for Jacob.”
His eyes narrowed and he licked his lips as he took a better look at me. “The Reaper is out. Sit down, have a beer.” Before I could refuse he had cracked the top from a cold one and sat it down on the bar in front of me.
I took a long and deep swig from the bottle—might as well take the edge off. I was nearly finished with it when I saw Jacob pull up on his bike. I could tell instantly that something was wrong.
Throwing his helmet to the concrete he roared loudly, “Boys, we have fucking a problem. Conference room, NOW!” The men around me jumped from their seats, and low whispers were exchanged as the men crowded through a door and into a room with a large wooden table in the center.
I got up and followed but an older woman grabbed me suddenly by the arm. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going,” she hissed. She had long black hair, and although she was at least twice my age, she was ripped. Her eyes glared at me as she waited for me to reply.
“I want to know what is going on, I am with Jacob,” I said.
Her face contorted as if she had just smelled something terrible. “Look, honey. I don’t care if you are fucking the entire crew, unless you have a dick and a vest, you aren’t welcome in that room.”
I stared back at her defiantly before backing down and returning to my seat at the bar. I reached behind the bar and grabbed another beer from the ice box. “Hand me one of those, will you?” I turned around, startled by the owner's voice.
She was young and beautiful. The other girls were hard, many of them tattooed and looked like they had lived hard lives. This one was different. She didn’t have one bit of ink and she looked intelligent and innocent. “Ally, I said, introducing myself as I handed her the beer. “Mia,” she replied.
“So, any idea what is going on in there?” I asked.
“Not entirely. I know Jacob had a meeting today with the president of Los Muertos but I only know that because I heard him on the phone. Women aren’t involved in the business--when the men talk business, the women leave the room. Trust me though, knowing what goes on with the men is worse than not knowing.”
I lifted one eyebrow at her, not entirely sure how it could be better to be clueless than to be involved. A half hour later the door opened again and the men grabbed vests and suited up. I approached Jacob eagerly but was instantly shut down as he walked past me and to his bike. “Not now
Terry Stenzelbarton, Jordan Stenzelbarton
Mark Twain, Charles Neider