Why couldn’t you just retire and stay with us? I’m so angry with you!” She cried harder. “Why did they take you from us, daddy? I miss you so much. I love you, daddy.”
Erika chose carefully as she deliberated over the boxes of graham crackers. After placing the box of cookies in her basket, she took another glance at the list her mom made for her and spotted the next item to purchase. Her mother wanted to make a lemon meringue pie. She had always seen to caring for others in the community, for neighbors and friends. It didn’t surprise Erika when her mother put odd items on the grocery list from time to time.
What exactly was cream of tartar? she thought and walked over to the aisle of baking supplies. She frowned at the array of seasonings, spices, and other items people who managed to cook used. She was quite content with take out. She had menus plastered to her refrigerator at home. Erika found what she needed and headed toward the fruits and vegetables. She looked over her mother’s list, and failed to notice the tall figure as she rounded the corner and ran right into his hard chest.
“Oh excuse me—” She braced her free hand on his chest, still clutching the grocery list.
“Looks like they need a traffic light in here.” he said coolly, his free hand on her waist to balance her.
She froze, glaring at him. She was surprised at the intimate contact from the man and even more so in how she felt about it. A tingle ran down her spine before she jerked away from him. Rude was another word she could use to describe this man. Twice in one day was too much for her right now. She glanced briefly at his basket and saw he had the basic male essentials—chips, burgers, hot dogs, bread, peanut butter, and jelly. All he needed was a six-pack of beer and he’d be all set . She laughed as a small smile curved her lips.
That curve of her lips took Blake unexpectedly. Almost as unexpectedly as the feel of her body under his hand that had held her steady. She was warm, yet she portrayed cool like an award-winning actress would out in Hollywood. Her jeans were wet at the knees, with mud slowly drying. He wondered for a minute if she'd got dirty at the cemetery, but quickly dismissed it because it was none of his business to know. Why would he be concerned with this woman? Annoyed with his feelings and realizing she wasn’t going to say anything more, he stepped aside and continued walking past her.
“Rude,” she muttered under her breath.
Erika hurried to finish getting all the items on her shopping list and make her way to the register. Maybe she could beat Mr. Pole-Up-His-Ass to the register and get out of the store before any chance of running into him. Instead, she found him near the fruit reaching for a bunch of bananas and noticed his shirt get a little tight around his arms. When she walked around the corner of the coffee aisle, she found him bent over contemplating which coffee to buy. Disappointed in herself, she couldn’t help but check out his ass. Not bad. I’d give it an eight.
Erika checked her watch and her grocery list. All done. Now to get out of here before Mr. Insolent. Evelyn “Evie” Collins sat behind the counter of the small general store easily finishing up the sale of the rude stranger’s purchases. Ugh! I thought I had him beat.
Evie was a dear friend of the family and was very close with her parents. She had copper hair glittered with bursts of sunlight and silver. Her robust features didn’t detract from her beauty, they added to it. She had owned the small store with her husband since before Erika and her family had moved into the small town.
Blake gave her one cool