Blue Steele - Box Set - Captures 1-6

Blue Steele - Box Set - Captures 1-6 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Blue Steele - Box Set - Captures 1-6 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donald Wells
Tags: Thrillers, Mystery, Short Stories, Hard-Boiled, Women Slueths
pharmacy, and I never had any intention of dying while suffering.” She looked over at Rachel. “I love you so much baby, put... put all this behind you and have a good life.” And then, her eyes rolled back and her head lolled over.
    “Pharmacy?” I said. “Oh God, what she swallowed, that wasn’t medicine; it was poison!”
    Andrews cursed and then called for an ambulance, as Dr. Walker worked on reviving her.
    An hour later, Bobbi Reed was pronounced dead.
    T wo weeks later, Gary and I were having Sunday brunch at a little bistro in Dallas.
    “So, Rachel Reed just walks away, huh?”
    Gary nodded. “The D.A. says that Bobbi Reed’s confession is good enough for her, and besides, she’s in a tight race. If they tried Rachel and she walked, it could tank the D.A.’s bid for reelection.”
    “Rachel Reed murdered those people, not Bobbi,” I said.
    “Rachel’s lawyer, Sam Coulton, he had his investigators do a reenactment of Vinnie’s murder, and yes, if every light were green and Bobbi Reed drove like an absolute madwoman, she would have had just enough time to commit the murders and plant the gun at the doctor’s.”
    “Where is Rachel now?”
    “Off to live with relatives of her late father, at least until she turns eighteen,”
    “That girl, as innocent as she appears, is a murderer.”
    “I agree, but, the law says different,” Gary said, and then he leaned across the table and kissed me. “No more shop talk, besides, I want to ask you a question.”
    “Ask away,”
    “I’m going out to the ranch next weekend; would you like to come along?”
    “Absolutely, I can’t wait to see it.”
    “We’d ah, we’d be staying all weekend, overnight, you know?”
    I grinned. “I look forward to it.”
    Gary smiled back and took my hand.
    “Blue Steele, what a tough name for such a sweet woman,”
    “The people I catch don’t think I’m sweet.”
    “I don’t know; I think you may have captured me.”
    “Really? Well then, what’s the bounty?”
    Gary sighed. “The slightly used heart of a lonely man,”
    I gave his hand a squeeze.
    “I’ll take it.”

    I leaned back in the passenger seat of the pick-up truck as we headed toward hell, I mean home.
    I glanced over at Gary and shook my head, a boyfriend, I had an actual boyfriend and unlike the last few, I liked this one. Now don’t get me wrong, I liked all my boyfriends, at first.
    But sooner or later, usually sooner, one of us, all right, I , would get bored, or feel penned in, or just become afraid of being tied down to someone forever. So far, I’ve felt none of that with Gary.
    A defense lawyer? How did I wind up dating a defense lawyer? I asked myself. And then Gary turned his head and smiled that sexy smile at me and I knew how I wound up dating him.
    The man was a hunk.
    I snapped out of my woolgathering. “Huh?”
    “You’re not nervous, are you?”
    “About you meeting my family? No, but like I said earlier—”
    “I know, you said that your mother has no filter on her mouth, that whatever she thinks, she says.”
    “Well, it’s true, and my sister is—”
    “Overly friendly and highly competitive,”
    “No, my sister is a spoiled brat who can’t stand it when I have something she doesn’t, including men. I could give you the names of at least three boyfriends she’s stolen away from me over the years.”
    “Well don’t worry; no matter how many times I sleep with her, I’ll always come back to you.”
    “Blue, it was a joke, calm down,”
    I pointed to the shoulder.
    “Pull over, please?”
    Gary drove his pick-up over to the side of the road and shut off the engine, and then he turned in his seat and looked at me expectantly.
    “I don’t want to lose you Gary. I know we’ve only been dating for a few weeks, but, my family, all kidding aside, they can be difficult, and I don’t want them to scare you off.”
    “Blue, baby, I can handle
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