Blue Christmas (The Moody Blue Trilogy | Book One)

Blue Christmas (The Moody Blue Trilogy | Book One) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Blue Christmas (The Moody Blue Trilogy | Book One) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Diane Moody
elaborate on that a little?”
    “Uh, no . . .
I don’t think so,” she laughed, embarrassed again. She faked a cough then
plowed on, avoiding his teasing eyes. “But I’m curious. Is it always such a
circus when you’re on tour?”
    Jason nodded. “Oh,
the stories I could tell you, girl. Most of the time it’s so surreal it’s hard
to even believe. People are so crazy. They will do anything. You
cannot believe some of these kids. Mostly the younger ones. I’m talkin’ girls like
twelve, thirteen, fourteen. But you’ve gotta watch those middle-aged housewives
    “You’re serious?”
    “I’m tellin’
you—they’re the most dangerous because they have the money to finance the
chase. It’s unbelievable the lengths some of them will go to. But y’know what?
Most of the time we get a kick out of it all. I mean, it’s just part of the
package. We’ve learned to expect it. But there are times—sometimes when you’re
already exhausted and you’ve been away from home for too long—that’s when it
gets old. And those are the times you have to consciously fight your thoughts
and those feelings of anger or frustration. And you have to realize that these
fans, even the crazy little girls, are the ones who buy the music, buy the
concert tickets, the whole enchilada. And then you just take a deep breath and
go on.”
    “And those are the
times when you head home for a little sanity, right?” Laura reached over to squeeze
his hand.
    He lifted his
mother’s hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly. “No place I’d rather be,
    “How long will you
be home, son?” Frank asked.
    “I’m trying to
stay for a week or so if we can make some schedule changes. We’re supposed to
do some studio time but none of us are in the mood. We’re all too tired. We
scattered in five different directions for Christmas so I doubt we’ll make it
to the studio. But as far as I know, everyone’s still planning to be here for
New Year’s.”
    Laura stood up and
began to clear the dinner dishes. Hannah started to join her when Jason placed
his hand over hers. “That’s okay, you’re the guest. I’ll help her.”
    She bit her lip,
chiding herself for still melting at his touch.
     Laura pinched his
cheek. “Such a good boy,” she bragged in a borrowed Yiddish accent. “He sings,
he dances, he washes the dishes—what more could a mother ask for?”
Frank quirked a hopeful smile.
    Jason cleared his
throat, ignoring the question. “So Mom! What’s for dessert?” He picked up his
plate and Hannah’s.
    Stacking the
dishes in the sink, Laura looked over her shoulder at the towering son behind
her. “Chocolate pecan pie. What else?”
    “Sweet! You always
come through for me, woman! Hannah, wait ’til you taste this. It’s incredible.
It’s a good thing Sergio isn’t here. We wouldn’t get a bite.”
    “How is my
favorite Spaniard?” Laura asked as she cut into the dark pie.
    Sergio Cruz, the handsome
European hailing from Barcelona. Everyone said he looked like a young Antonio
Banderas, the movie actor. Hannah pictured his curly black hair usually worn in
a pony tail, the dazzling smile, and the dark bedroom eyes that had stopped
hearts all over the world for years. The mere sound of his accent used to make
her knees go weak. She caught herself twisting her napkin.
    “I’m not sure,
Mom. You know Sergio. Totally unpredictable. He’s supposed to be in Hawaii but
then he could show up any minute. He’s fine, I guess. Although I don’t care
much for his current steady squeeze.”
    Laura placed the
dessert plate on the table before her husband. “Well, as I recall I didn’t care
much for your last ‘steady squeeze’ either.” She shot a look at Hannah,
rolling her eyes.
    “Gee, Mom, and
wouldn’t I love to spoil this perfect evening with a rowdy discussion about
my ex-fiancée.” Jason served Hannah her pie then sat down to his own.  “I don’t think
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