Blown Away: A Small Town Military Romance (The Moore Brothers Book 1)

Blown Away: A Small Town Military Romance (The Moore Brothers Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Blown Away: A Small Town Military Romance (The Moore Brothers Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Abby Brooks
bakery or coffee shop and was just about to turn around and give up her search when she found a promising little store front at the end of a street. The name over the window? Good Beginnings.
    You couldn’t get more symbolic than that! Juliet found a place to park and then wondered what to do with Lulu. She couldn’t leave her in the car, not in this heat. Even with the window cracked, she’d worry that her little dog was getting cooked. It’s probably against health codes to bring a pet into a restaurant and sure, plenty of people just tied up their pets in the city while they went inside for a bite, but this is a much smaller town. Who knew what people would think if they came across little Lulu tied to the tree near the street?
    With a quick apology to her dog, Julz cracked the windows and gathered her things. She’d go in, use the bathroom to freshen up and change, then bring her order out to eat with Lulu. One more reason to find a place to call home as soon as possible. A night or two in the car was one thing. Totally living out of it while trying to manage a pet was a whole different subject altogether.
    When she pushed through the door to Good Beginnings, she was confronted with the scent of baking bread and eggs and bacon and all kinds of warm food smells. After twenty-four hours of nothing but pre-package gas station food, Juliet’s stomach lurched in excitement. She rushed through her visit to the restroom, pulling on clean panties and a little white sundress. Ran a brush through her hair and wished she could wash it before pulling it back into a ponytail. And finally, she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Feeling much better, she placed an order for a large coffee, two creams, two sugars, and a bacon and egg sandwich on fresh wheat bread.
    “You must be new around here,” said the curvy brunette behind the counter as Juliet craned her head to see Lulu through the window.
    “Just got in last night.” Juliet gave the woman a huge smile. “This is a great place,” she said, gesturing around the quickly filling cafe.
    The woman beamed. “Thank you. I’m quite proud of it.”
    “This is yours?” Juliet couldn’t keep the pleasure out her voice. This is what she was talking about. This woman was living the dream. Carving out her path and claiming her space and all that. Pouring her heart and soul into her business.
    “You know it.” The woman extended her hand over the counter. “Ellie Charles, owner and proprietor of Good Beginnings, cafe and coffee.”
    Juliet took Ellie’s hand and was pleased at the woman’s delicate grip. No domineering man handshake for her, just a sweet little feminine thing. Must be nice not to have to out businessman the men. “Juliet Lane, Bliss’s newest occupant.”
    “You movin’ in? Not just passin’ through?” Ellie looked surprised.
    “I hope to call this place home. Just need to find the actual home to make it official.”
    A deep baritone voice came from behind her. “You didn’t like the hotel?” Juliet jumped and squeaked a little before spinning around, her eyes wide and her hand on her heart.
    There, standing in line almost directly behind her, was the delectable Ian Moore.

Chapter Five
    Julz let out a long breath and a shaky laugh. “Wow, Ian. You scared me.”
    “I can see that.”
    Today, he was looking way more approachable in jeans, a t-shirt, and honest to goodness cowboy boots. Dressed down or not, he was still hot as hell. Maybe even better looking now than he was in the tux because Juliet could see the strong muscles in his arms and chest, the flat tummy that was sure to be all rippling abs under the thin cotton of his shirt. And he had the whole, scruffy, didn’t shave this morning deal going, which only set off his eyes all the more. Juliet suddenly wished she’d spent more time in front of the mirror.
    “What’s this about not finding a place? You didn’t like the hotel? Bobby too
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