other, something beyond. But, no. It was just the Mickey Finn the dirty, cheating longhairs spiked his beer with.
And then, he woke up caged. A beautiful woman next to him, a whimpering, spineless geek on the other. Each of them "special." Each of them caged. Each of them afflicted with albinism.
And then, he met Theseus Jones.
Theseus Jones was tall and thin and had a pock-marked face indicative of childhood
chicken pox or acne so bad it would make the world itself blush for you.
The Wino was brought before him by two longhairs so put together, they clearly were on a diet of more than just lentils, an observation that proved apt once Albino Wino learned what it was, exactly, that went down here.
He didn't see much of the compound's property on the trip up to the main house, thrown into the back of a pick-up truck, one Longhair Charles Atlas driving, the other in the back with him, pointing a sawed-off in his face, just that it was as large and unkempt as the armpits on a longhair dude's old lady.
The main house was just a large, open space. Naked couples lay on cushion-covered floors, intertwined, locked at the genitals. The Wino's albino eyes struggled to adjust as he was dragged past the armed guards at the door, through the squirming masses, to Theseus Jones himself, who sat on an oversized wicker chair that looked like some abominable longhair throne.
The big longhairs dropped him at Theseus' feet. The Wino looked around, waiting for his eyes to focus, waiting for what seemed to be one huge, moaning, soft-skinned, writhing organism to cease its amorphousness and bleed out into separate shapes. Once it did, he looked up at Theseus who wore a crooked-toothed grin. A woman was on her knees before the cult leader, fellating him. She groaned as though hypnotised by the swollen organ between her jaws.
Theseus introduced himself and then said, "I like you. What's your name?"
The Wino replied, "They call me The Albino Wino."
Theseus chuckled. "Kooky handle, man."
The Wino shrugged. "It fits."
Theseus leaned across the arm of the wicker throne and produced a wine bottle. He uncorked it and handed it to The Wino. "Try it. Homegrown."
The Wino shook his head even though the urge was strong. "Had enough of your booze in the car. I'm all napped-out, thanks very much."
"It's not drugged, I assure you, man." Theseus himself drank heartily. He held the bottle out for The Wino, who took it on this second offering.
Drinking deeply, The Wino said, "You gonna tell me why I'm here, or we just gonna sit around and get drunk? That's cool with me, but if you're looking for me to participate in…this," he gestured at the longhairs humping like animals on the ground in more positions than he knew existed. "You gotta know, I ain't no swinger."
Theseus went to speak, but stopped himself. "One moment," he said right before he ejaculated furiously.
The Wino went to avert his eyes, but there wasn't many a place to avert them to.
The woman in front of Theseus got up off her knees, wiped her mouth, and winked at The Wino as she passed. It was the longhair chick from the car, the one who spiked his beers and bewitched him with her breasts, now on full display, slapping together meatily with each footstep.
"You're next," she said, winking and running her fingers through the curling flaxen thatch between her legs. She disappeared through the copulating masses, a naked, golden-haired apparition treading lightly amidst a vibrating minefield of flesh.
The Wino drank deeply from the bottle. Good hooch. Not that he'd admit it to Theseus. "Okay, what the hell is going on here?"
Theseus laughed some more and tucked his member back into his linen trousers. "All in good time, man. First I need some medication…" He snapped his fingers and a young girl appeared, maybe fourteen at most. Timid and flushed, she was dressed in a sheer white, diaphanous dress. She held a large tray, lines of powder expertly placed upon it. Alongside the lines, a