Blood Prophecy: Kallen's Tale

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Book: Blood Prophecy: Kallen's Tale Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Lamer
Her eyes are practically jumping out at me she is so mad, now. 
    Apparently, though, she is
going to wait to kill me.  She is probably thinking of ways to make it more
painful.  Turning her attention to her mother, she says, “What now?”
    “I would like you and Kallen
to get your Grandmother’s bags from the driveway.  Your father and I need to
talk to her.”
    A chance to get out of this
room.  I will carry a thousand bags for the opportunity to walk through that
door at this moment.  Perhaps being kicked out is not such a bad thing.  I
could build a little place up the mountain and come back when things have
calmed down. 
    Xandra stomps ahead of me
and throws the door open.  She is in all out tantrum mode, I believe.  This
should be interesting.  Taking a deep breath, I follow her outside as I
consider the floor plan for my future residence.
    I catch up to her and put my
hand on her arm.  “She is telling the truth.  She is here to help.”
    I’m pretty sure she is going
to sprout another head just to have two mouths to rail against me with.  I want
to step away from her, but I hold my ground.  “Really?  Just how do you know
that?  Because some blood smoked and sizzled and you and Grandma made eye
contact?  Forgive me if that isn’t enough to make me want a group hug with the
two of you.  I’m a little too selfishly concerned right now with keeping myself
alive.  I figure one of us should be.”
    That was uncalled for.  If
she does not believe that I am as concerned about her safety as she is, then
she does not know anything about me.  Nor does she care to find out.  Well, I
am done trying to prove my loyalty to her.  Crossing my arms over my chest, I
say, “I thought I heard you say in there that you trusted me.  I must have been
    “So, what, I’m supposed to
have blind faith in you?  Even I’m not that naïve.”
    “Is blind faith such a bad
thing when you claim to care about someone?”
     “Are you going to tell me
why you suddenly think that Grandma is one of the good guys?”
    Okay, maybe blind trust is
asking a bit much this soon in our relationship, but could she not try to have more faith in me than this?  I will attempt a different tactic.  “There
are some things that should be explained by the person who holds all the
    Did I say two heads?  I
think she’s about to sprout a third.  That was definitely the wrong answer.  If
I could take it back, I would.
    “Enough of the stupid
cryptic speak,” she growls.  “Between you and Mom, I’ve had enough of it to
last me a lifetime!  Are you going to tell me or not?”
    “I can tell you that she
took a great risk making that blood oath with me.”  That, apparently, was not
the right thing to say either.  Basically, I think I am screwed no matter what
I say. 
    “Oh, well, that clears
everything up.  Thank you.”  Yes, I am definitely screwed.
    I am so frustrated; I could
pull my hair out.  I settle for running my hand through it.  “Xandra, I am
sorry.  I cannot tell you.”
    “Cannot or will not?”
    Finally, a question I can
answer honestly and not die a tragic death.  “Cannot.”
    “Why not?”
    This one is a little
trickier.  “Because I’m bound by Sheehogue law.”
    “Are you trying to make me
hate you?  Because you’re on the right path if you are.”
    I can see that.  Each word
that drops from my mouth is like a wedge, determined to push us farther and
farther apart.  I have no clue how to make this better.  “Xandra, I am not
deliberately keeping something from you.”
    She snorts.  She is the only
Fairy I have ever met who sounds cute when she does that.  “Funny, it feels
like you are.”
    I look down at the ground as
my brain scrambles for something, anything, that I can say to make this right. 
Okay, I will see how much damage these words do.  “I made a mistake when I set
the guidelines of the oath.”
    Confusion starts to override
the anger on
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