Blood Harvest: Two Vampire Novels
and even Peg hadn’t been completely outside of suspicion
as having some part in the disappearance. Of course she had been
cleared of suspicion rather quickly. She was only included in the
investigation in the first place because a handful of officers on
the Sheboygan police force had some problems with her. Innocent or
not, though, that blame had hung on her and it had shaped her.
    In fact, after some thought Peg had needed to
be honest with herself and admit that if Zoey ever came back Peg
might in fact be angry with her. It seemed like an illogical
response, but then Peg hadn’t always been the most logical person
following everything that happened. If everyone was correct and
Zoey was dead or had been kidnapped, then none of this would be her
fault. But if Zoey returned, if she had just walked out of their
lives for whatever reason, then she had permanently destroyed the
lives of everyone who loved her. And that wouldn’t be something Peg
could ever forgive.
    Now Zoey was here, but Peg just couldn’t
process it yet. She didn’t feel the anger she had expected or the
happiness, at least not yet. Instead Peg just felt numb, broken.
Her brain refused to work. She couldn’t deal with this yet.
    And what about the lock? Or the teeth?
    Oh yeah, she definitely wasn’t
prepared to deal with that. Those were details she would file away
for later examination. For now all she could manage was figuring
out what to do in the next moment. And then the next. Maybe after
enough time some of the stuff going on in her thought processes
would begin to make sense.
    So the first step was to get up from this
awkward position on the stairs. She used the railing to pull
herself back to a standing position, noting but not feeling any
particular emotion about the way her every muscle felt like it was
about to give out on her again at any second.
    Once she was semi-steady on her feet she
stayed there for several seconds and began a mental list of
everything she would need to do over the next few minutes. Don’t
worry about emotions, just let them happen later. For now just
focus and get things done.
    The pool of vomit in front of her. That was
one. There weren’t a lot of chunks because she hadn’t eaten lunch
yet. She could clean that up easily enough. And there was the smell
to deal with. She wasn’t sure what to do about that, but it was
another thing for the list.
    That’s all great , she thought to
herself, but when exactly do you plan on dealing with the naked,
babbling, shit-covered girl sitting in your basement? Hmm? How
about her?
    She would just have to deal with Zoey in the
same methodical step-by-step manner that she dealt with everything
else here. The first and probably most important question was
whether she would ignore Zoey’s wishes and call the cops, or at
least an ambulance. Saying that Zoey was unwell would be the
understatement of a lifetime. Her ramblings had implied that
somebody was after her, but practically nothing she’s said made any
sense. Given her ordeal, whatever unimaginable horror that had
been, she was probably being paranoid.
    Paranoid nothing, you in-denial ass ,
she thought to herself. Lock. Teeth. This is not a woman who was
off on some hippy commune. Get your fucking head out of the clouds
and pay attention to the details that are right in front of
    As much as she worried for her own sanity
when she was having intense arguments with herself in her head, Peg
had to admit that the little nagging voice was absolutely right.
Zoey didn’t appear to be completely in her right mind, but if she
was afraid of something then all the facts, as unbelievable as they
may have been, pointed to her having some very good reasons. Peg
didn’t know how she would try to explain the lock or the teeth to
the police anyway. They wouldn’t believe her on the phone, and when
they got here and saw for themselves…
    Peg suddenly remembered that her arm was
throbbing. She looked down at the place where Zoey had
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