Blood (Dark Riders Motorcycle Club)
pointed at Venom. "That's the guy you are looking for."
    "And would you like to explain to me why exactly he's dead ?"
    Asher looked at me and then back at the chief. "We found him this way, right?"
    He stared at the remaining Tarantulas, daring them to say anything else. They knew better. The Tarantulas nodded.
    "See? Everyone agrees," Asher said.
    "And what about that guy in the other building?"
    Joel! I had already forgotten about him.
    "What other guy?" Asher said. "When we got there, it was empty."
    The chief hesitated. He didn't trust Asher, but who else was he going to believe? Two dead men?
    "And who are these guys?"
    Now I butted in. "They're the Tarantulas," I said. "And I think that you'll find something very interesting if you open those trucks of theirs."
    The chief made the sign and a group of the policemen surrounded one of the trucks. They opened the doors and what was stacked inside were bricks and bricks of white powder. Their jaws literally dropped.
    "Do you know how much that's worth?" The chief asked.
    "No," I said. "But I'm sure they can tell you all about it."
    With that, the chief left us alone. He went over to the Tarantulas and pulled out his handcuffs.
    "Okay guys," he said to the other policemen, "looks like we have our hands full today."
    After that, everything was a daze. I watched the cops handcuff the Tarantulas. It almost didn't seem right. After all of this, after everything, they were going quietly?
    Some of the guys looked so young that they couldn't even have been 18. Just what kind of recruitment process did Venom have? Maybe they went quietly because they were just happy to be free.
    I watched as man after man was handcuffed, put into police vans, and taken away. They were so many, that the cops had to keep coming back with new cars. After all the action, I just found myself standing around while the cops took care of everything. What a downer.
    Finally, the last Tarantula was loaded into the van. His eyes met mine as he walked, staring me down. Our gaze didn't break until the door slammed shut behind him.
    At that moment, warmth spread through my whole body. Tears poured down my face, and I slumped to the ground. The last thing I remembered before it all went dark was the feel of Asher's arms squeezing me tight.

Chapter 12
    The darkness was cold. I was alone. No one was there with me, not even Asher.  
    I ran in the dark, searching for someone. Anyone .
    And I found them. Venom and Joel. Their bloody, decaying bodies chased me. I screamed, but no sound came out. Still, I kept calling his name.
    Asher. Asher.  
    My eyes slammed wide open and I swallowed a gulp of air. Asher. Where was he?
    "Asher?" I yelled again.
    "Nope. Just me."
    My mom was sitting beside the bed, watching over me. I looked around. I was back in my room, at home. The place where all of this began.
    She smiled at me and laughed. "Oh good. I was beginning to think that I had somehow transformed into a handsome biker."
    Yep, that was my mom all right.
    On the side table there was a thermometer and what looked like a wet rag. A Bible was cracked open, and its pages were turned to well-worn psalms. Had she been taking care of me? How long had I been out? And more importantly, what had happened while I was gone?
    "Nice to see you too," Mom said." I'm doing pretty well. You know, considering I had no idea what was happening with my daughter for a good while now. Never mind that she came home unconscious, and with a police escort."
    I looked away from her gaze. She was right. What was I thinking?
    "Sorry mom, " I said.
    That was all it took for her to break down. Mom jumped off her seat and took me in her arms. She squeezed hard, pressing me into her chest. Her tears fell on my head, hot and wet.
    "Do you have any idea how hard it was not know what had happened to you?" she said. "After you came and left, I almost went insane."
    Hearing her, hearing the hurt in her words, my chest went tight.
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