Blind Side Of Love

Blind Side Of Love Read Online Free PDF

Book: Blind Side Of Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: Beth Rinyu
was so relaxed.
    “The music stopped. I think that was the last dance of the night.”
    “Who says we need music to dance? I want to make sure you get your money’s worth.” I looked up at him and smiled.
    He gazed down at me and gave me a sexy grin that made my insides flip. “Whatever you say.”  I closed my eyes, ignoring all of the people walking past us to exit and the wait staff cleaning off the tables. For the moment, it was just Drew and I on the dance floor, dancing away to the most beautiful music that was playing in my head. “So, do you mind telling me what song we’re dancing to so I can keep up with the rhythm?”
    I looked up at him and giggled. “Hmm??…. Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller .” He looked at me strangely. “Don’t judge! My dad always says I’m an old soul trapped in a young body. There’s something about the forties era that’s just so romantic, right down to the music.”
    “I’m not judging. I think it’s great that you see things differently than most girls your age. It shows your character.” I stayed in his arms for some time, moving back and forth, not worrying about the time or the fact that I probably had twenty missed calls from my dad. “Hey Becca, I think they’re starting to shut off the lights.”
    “They just don’t appreciate good music.” I giggled, finally releasing myself from his embrace. I was hoping that he would ask me out again and that my rejection from his first invite wouldn’t deter him. We walked outside into the warm early summer air and through the beautiful garden area. “So I was thinking, I had a really great time tonight and I was pretty dumb for turning you down the other day when you asked me to go out. So, if you want to ask me again….I’ll more than likely say yes.” I smiled.
    He shook his head and laughed. “Well, I would love to, but seeing how you’re so busy, I wouldn’t want to keep you from all your work,” he teased.
    “Oh yeah, that. Well, I had some preconceived notions about you in my head because of who you’re friends with, but I think you convinced me tonight that you are nothing like him.”
    He stopped walking and stared down at me. “Well, I guess I’ll forgive you for having those notions. That comes with the territory of being a future lawyer. But I think my rejection from the other day would sting a lot less if you asked me out.” He grinned.
    “Oh, so you’re going to make me grovel?”
    “I cried for days after you turned me down,” he teased.
    We both busted out with laughter. “Oh poor baby! You should have asked Ashton for some tips on handling my rejection. Well, since I don’t like to see grown men cry…..” God, I felt so weird doing this, I’d never asked out a guy before.
    “I’m feeling the tears starting to form, Becca….hurry,” he joked.
    “Do you want to go out with me sometime?” I blurted out.
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” he said with a devilish grin.
    I shook my head and laughed. “Drew Bryant, would you do me the honor of going out with me sometime?”
    “Oh, is that what you just asked? Well, I will on one condition.”
    “What’s that?” I asked.
    “I have to see if you’re a good kisser first.”
    “Is that so?” I smiled.
    “Yup; can’t be wasting my time on a girl that doesn’t know how to kiss.”
    “Well, you certainly don’t waste any time, do you?” I raised my eyebrow at him.
    “Not when I see something I like.”
    He raised his eyebrow back at me and I was gone. I felt my knees melting and my heart began beating faster. His head inched closer to mine as I closed my eyes, finally feeling the softness of his lips on mine and his tongue parting my mouth. I opened my mouth wider to allow him in as our tongues began to dance together in perfect unison, the same way that our bodies did on the dance floor just a short time ago. And just like our dance, I didn’t want this most absolute perfect first kiss to end either.
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