whole thing. At least
she hoped so…
    “Doesn’t he know security wouldn’t let you
through the wrong terminal?” Tristan reached into his bag,
searching for something.
    “I don’t know. I didn’t turn around to
check.” Kira leaned back in the seat, completely deflated and
drained of energy.
    “I had a feeling something like this would
happen, so…” he kept rumbling through his bag for another minute
before pulling out a grocery bag, “I came prepared. We have salt
& vinegar chips,” he pulled the single serving from his bag and
kept speaking, “some double chocolate chip cookies, cheesy popcorn,
a diet coke, a regular coke if it’s really serious, and of course,
me.” He finished with a wink and Kira smirked subconsciously. Then
she ripped open the salty chips and started munching.
    “We should be boarding in a minute or so,
first class was just loaded onto the plane and I think they called
zone one,” Tristan said and zipped the rest of his goodies back
inside his bag. Kira knew she would be pulling those out later.
    He rested his arm around her shoulder and
Kira relaxed under the weight of his muscles. Leaning in, Tristan
whispered, “Everything is going to be fine,” into Kira’s ear and
she willed herself to believe it. But, she was too busy enjoying
the potato chips to formulate a response. It didn’t matter though
because Tristan kept talking to her.
    “We’ll land in England, go to Aldrich’s
castle and demand to see your mother. She’ll be there, healthy as
can be, and we’ll work some sort of deal out with Aldrich,” he said
softly. While he spoke, Tristan rubbed her arm with his thumb,
gently soothing Kira. “Before you know it, we’ll be back here and
everything will go back to normal. I’ll finally get you surfing
those big waves down at Folly Beach and we’ll take a trip down to
Savannah like I promised we would this summer. Next year, you’ll
find a restaurant job, you’ll cook for all three of your parents
and you’ll forget all of this nonsense ever happened. You can leave
Sonnyville and the conduits behind and have the life you always
dreamed of having. You’ll see.”
    Kira sighed as Tristan hugged her even
closer. His words were a dream, a complete fantasy. She could never
go back. Neither Tristan nor Luke fit into that plan, which meant
it didn’t work for her anymore. But Kira had no idea what her new
plan should be.
    “Attention, can Kira Dawson please pick up a
yellow emergency phone? Passenger Kira Dawson to a yellow emergency
phone, please.”
    Tristan and Kira jumped up at the same
    “Luke?” Tristan asked.
    “Almost undoubtedly,” Kira responded, “Let’s
just ignore him.”
    “Kira,” Tristan said gently, “He’s your best
friend, and I can’t believe I’m the one who’s saying this, but he
deserves better than a hastily written letter.”
    “I know. I just can’t face him yet.
    “Attention all passengers on flight 2963 to
Atlanta, Georgia,” a female voice spoke over the load speaker. “All
passengers in zone three are welcome to board. Again, that is all
passengers in zone three.”
    “That’s us,” Tristan said and stood up. Kira
followed him to the line and each of them handed the gate attendant
a ticket. They followed the slowly moving progression of passengers
until crossing into the plane and sliding into their seats.
    Kira pushed her handbag far under the seat
in front of her, burying her phone with it. Tristan placed his
heavy hand on her legs to keep them from bouncing. Kira stopped
fidgeting and took his hand—they were almost in the clear, but she
wouldn’t feel totally free until they were thousands of miles in
the air.
    The flight attendant was walking down the
aisle, closing overhead compartments and checking people’s
seatbelts. He stilled in front of Kira and Tristan, reaching behind
his back for a fake seatbelt and life jacket. Kira turned to the
side, ignoring the security protocol to look out the
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