she’d always been a part of the wolves’ lives. Or perhaps it felt like she’d known this place forever because every moment without Grey dragged on for eternity.
A cream-colored wolf with a darker saddle across her back ran through the woods adjacent to the road. Not sprinting, not trotting, but maintaining a speed that kept her beside the truck.
Morgan smiled and looked in the rearview to see if Lana had seen Marissa’s wolf. The little girl had her hand pressed against the glass of the window, and a smile curved her plump cheeks.
“Is Mr. Grey going to be here today?” she asked.
Gripping the wheel, Morgan dragged her gaze back to the road ahead of her. “No, baby. We won’t see Mr. Grey anymore.”
When she dared a glance at her ward again, the smile had drifted from the child’s face and her lips were puckered slightly.
She was doing the right thing, she reminded herself as she pulled to a stop in front of the baby-blue Victorian-style home. Silver wolf or not, it was her responsibility to find someone who wanted her because she was Morgan Carter. Not because he was obligated to take care of some ancient cursed wolf. And that’s exactly what being a silver wolf was--a curse. No one in their right mind would ever wish to be what she was.
If no man ever filled that space and loved her for who she was, she was okay with raising Lana herself. She’d live an entire lifetime pining for Grey if it meant she knew exactly where she stood. Morgan’s sister, Marianna, had been her hero for mothering Lana like she had, and independent of the child’s deadbeat father. Morgan could be strong enough to carry on Marianna’s legacy and wait for the right person to complete her makeshift family.
Nights were the hardest though. She missed sleeping beside him, and some evenings, after Lana was tucked up safely in bed, she couldn’t stop crying. She had spiraled. Hell, she was probably still spiraling, but desperation to hide her heartbreak from Lana made her stronger somehow. Still, she missed the way he smelled. The crisp spiciness of his shaving cream in the mornings, the clean scent of his skin, the piney woods, and always, always, the smell of animal, subtle, delicious and alluring and burned into her memory so completely it visited her dreams.
In her weakest moments, she’d pull out pictures of them together and fold them until the background was limited. The picture didn’t need filler when he was there, smiling or looking at the camera lens with the intensity she’d come to love. And his eyes, golden and burning when they fell on her, thickened her throat until it was impossible to breathe any time she imagined him.
She pulled the truck into park and inhaled, long and slow. The ache in her bones had been humming for two days, and the anticipation of the pain of turning had her hands shaking. Sometimes, she wished he’d never come back for her. That he’d never found her again and that she was still naïve of the existence of the supernatural.
She wouldn’t have known love, the real, consuming, burning-like-the-sun-above kind of love, but she would be safe, and human, and Lana wouldn’t be waving at a werewolf out the window and chanting, “Rissa, Rissa.”
And more importantly than all of it, she wouldn’t have these memories of Grey to torture her.
Rachel waved from the porch swing and Morgan pushed the driver’s side door open. A paperback hung from her friend’s hand as she stood and waited by the stairs.
“I thought you’d be here earlier,” Rachel said in a conversational tone.
“Yeah, I got a rush order and had to design and print and then mail it before I came out.”
A knowing smile spread across Rachel’s pretty features. “Your bones are singing, aren’t they?”
She lifted Lana down from her car seat with a grunt. “Is it that obvious?” Marissa had disappeared into the woods and she scanned the yard for any other wolves.
“He’s not here.”
“That’s for the