Black Gangster

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Book: Black Gangster Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donald Goines
daring her to go into the bedroom. A silence settled on the room as the sisters stared at each other. They had both come a long way from that small town in tipper Michigan. Yet they stuck together, neither one trusting the other but true to each other in their own way.
    "Don't worry," Donna answered, running her hands through Tony's hair. "I got me a pretty little wop to play with."
    "You keep running your mouth," Tony said roughly, "and I'm going to slap some of the goddamn lipstick off you." He turned to the other woman. "Rhonda, why don't you go wake up your old man and find out whether or not he wants to go out for dinner or stay cooped up in this damn joint."
    "Shit, Tony," Rhonda replied in a frightened voice, "you know how mad my old man is when I wake him up. Why don't you try waking him up?"
    "Gee whiz, Rhonda," Donna yelled, "you act like you can't even talk to your man without him jumping all over you."
    Rhonda drew a long breath, letting it out slowly. "I don't care what you say, I'm not about to go into that bedroom and wake Racehorse up. If you want to find out where he wants to eat, go ask him. But don't expect me to do it."

    Donna laughed sharply. "I sure wouldn't let any man have me that frightened of him."
    "Watch your mouth," Tony warned. He pushed her hand away from his hair.
    "Well, I mean it," she continued. "If any man had me that afraid, I'd sure do something about it."
    "Like what?" he asked, suddenly interested.
    Not heeding the warning glitter in his eyes, Donna continued, "Well, for one thing, I wouldn't let no man whip me the way he beats her up. I don't care if I had to wait until he went to sleep, I'd fix his wagon."
    Before the words were out of her mouth, Tony had slapped her viciously across the face. "Why do I always have to warn you about running off at the mouth, woman?"
    Donna, holding the side of her face, screamed at him. "What the hell did you go and do that for? You sonofabitching bastard!"
    Tony swung and knocked her down with one blow, then removed his belt and began to beat her. She squirmed on the floor, screaming in pain. "Please, baby, please! I didn't mean no harm!"
    Rhonda, screaming, ran into the bedroom for Racehorse. A harsh, masculine voice responded. "Bitch, if you don't get the fuck out of here with all that goddamn noise, I'll get up from this bed and kick a mudhole in your ass."
    Rhonda left the bedroom door open as she turned and fled back to the safety of the living room. In panic, she jumped on Tony's back in an attempt to save her sister from the brutal beating.

    Without even a struggle, Tony pulled her from his back and pushed her onto the floor beside Donna. His face was twisted into a snarl as he swung the belt down on the two screaming women.
    The shrieking of both women filled the apartment. The commotion finally produced what Rhonda was hoping for. Racehorse appeared in the doorway. He stared at the spectacle before him. There was a look of exasperation on his ebony face.
    He looked as out of place as a housewife at a stag party as he stood in the doorway in a velvet black robe; around his head was the bright yellow scarf he wore when he slept to keep his processed hair in place. After observing the scene quietly for a few moments, he spoke up. "What the hell are you planning on doing, Tony, beat them until the police come up and pull you off of them?" He stared at the two women squirming on the floor, their skirts above their hips, red welts on their thighs from Tony's belt.
    Tony was too absorbed in the beating to lay off immediately. With difficulty, he gained control of himself and stopped.
    "If you can't get along with them fuckin' whores, Tony, why don't you just put their fuckin' asses out?" Racehorse asked coldly. His eyes were bleak as he stared from one woman to the other.
    "I didn't do nothing, daddy," Rhonda yelled as she scrambled up from the floor. "Please, honey, it wasn't my fault," she pleaded. "I was just trying to stop him from beating up
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