swore a whimsical smile play ed on his lips before he turned around . She wasn’t quite sure how she should take his expression, but she wondered if he found pleasure in provoking her.
“Sir,” she called after him. “ If I may be so bold to inquire ; why did y ou purchase my bond today at auction?”
He didn’t reply.
“ Tis obvious you dislike me , ” she called out after him. Although he continued walking away, she persisted, determined to hear hi s reply. “Why save me from the likes as which you earlier described?” As he had stated, many of the men at the sale could ’ve taken advantage of her servitude and use d her for lust-filled pleasures. For that reprieve, she was forever grateful. He may badger her, but he’ d not gain a personal benefit with her newly acquired, lowly station. Although arrogant, Seth represented himself as an honorable man , yet time would tell if he prove d it true .
His footsteps slowed and finally stopped. He didn’t turn around , but the broad expanse of his shoulders lowered slightly. A hea vy sigh released. “I never stated that I dislike you, Myra .”
Deliberate, assured steps in his gait demonstrated hi s confidence as he walked away from her . H is thick, muscular thighs and forearms gave testimony to his physical strength. She watched after him until he reached the workers , and soon he disappeared among the men who labored in the grand, nearly erected Preston family home .
Once completely out of si ght , an odd notion occurred to her . She didn’t particularly dislike him, either.
“I hate him!”
Lucia lowered her broom after she swiped the cobwebs from the ceiling. “Calm down, Myra ,” she soothed. “I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.”
“He accused me of stealing his sister’s silk petticoat!”
Myra paced their modest wigwam that humbled in comparison to the Preston’s temporary dwelling . The dry, dirt-covered floor fogged the room when Lucia’s made her sweeps across the ground and raised the dust. Six bedrolls and two chairs occupied most the ir space. A considerable contrast from the lux ury Myra was once accustomed.
“What use would I find in a silk petticoat?” She ran her hands down the expanse of her dirty, drab gray garment. “Does this frock appear to be in need of a silk petticoat ?” She thought about her words. “Admittedly, ‘twould serve well against the prickly wool, but I’d not steal one !”
“I heard Miss Margaret only misplaced it,” Lucia added. “I’m sure young Mister Preston will apologize before the day is over.”
“Well , he can take his regret and thrust it right up his — ”
“ Myra !”
Myra grinned.
Lucia laughed aloud and hugged her . “I’m so pleased in having your company, Myra .”
Lucia held the broom tightly at her chest and beamed with a full smile before she returned sweeping the floor . “This past month has been so enjoyable sin ce you arrived, ” she said, and she brushed a dark lock of hair from her forehead that had fallen into her eyes.
Myra slowly stirred the pot of broth that sat over the fire. She smiled at Lucia as she swe pt grains of dirt and dust from the ground floor and swayed gracefully bet ween the broom’s s wipes . She hummed prettily in tune to the brush strokes of the broom.
“What of you, Lucia? Did you come by way of England ? Were you forced into servitude by the court or traders?”
“Oh, nay ,” she exclaimed. “I was born in London, all right, but I'm here o f my own free will. Well, in sorts, I am,” she smiled.
“Explain,” Myra pressed. For th e first time in th at month, there was free time after chores. The Preston family had made arrangements for the evening and their kitchen duties weren’t necessary for the night . Finally she had an opportunity to get better acquainted with her new found friend . Their friendship