let a bunch of eggs get the better of them!”
Three eggs and a huge mess later, Galen yanked the plate of charred blobs from Ishmael and dumped them into the swill bucket. “Those aren’t fit to eat.”
“They were tolerable.”
“Maybe I could put water on to boil, and we can just drop in the eggs.”
“Sometimes when we have eggs, Ivy puts ’em in the pot and boils ’em at the same time as she’s a-boilin’ the coffee.”
“We can do that!” Galen pumped water into the coffeepot. He thought for a minute. “Hand me that kettle there, will you?”
“This one?”
“Yeah.” Galen filled it with water, too. “If I’m making eggs, I’m making enough to last for tomorrow.” He started to gingerly place eggs in the kettle and had to dip out some of the water when he’d put in a dozen. With the extra room, Galen popped in the rest from the egg basket.
“Want me to make the coffee anyway?”
“Better. Otherwise, I’ll be surly the whole day long.” Galen put the eggs on to boil and sheepishly admitted, “I drank stonecold leftover coffee for the past two mornings.”
“Coffee niver lasted long ’nuff for me to try it cold.” Ishmael squinted at the cupboard. “Where d’ya keep the beans?”
“Blue canister. Bottom shelf.”
“Here, found it. I’ll scour that skillet so’s I can roast—” “No need to roast the coffee beans. Ma’s started buying this new stuff. Osborn’s Celebrated Prepared Java Coffee. Just toss some into the grinder, and we’ll be set.”
Ishmael whistled under his breath and opened the canister. “A name like that makes a feller feel like he’s getting sommat extry special. How many cups d’ya wanna brew?”
“The pot holds eight.”
“You wanna make a whole pot?” When Galen nodded, Ishmael grinned. “Reckon on drinkin’ it cold again for a few days?”
“We’ll polish it off by noon. I’m planning on getting a lot done today.” Galen pretended not to notice how Ishmael painstakingly counted out seventeen beans and put them in the grinder. “Tell you what: why don’t you go gather eggs while I finish the coffee and eggs?”
“Shore.” Ishmael took the empty egg basket from the table and left.
Galen shook the coffee beans out of the grinder and into the scoop Ma used to measure them. They filled the scoop only halfway. He added more, quickly spun the handle on the grinder, and dumped the grounds into the coffeepot.
A short time later the men sat down to breakfast. Looking across the table, Galen stated, “I’ll ask grace.”
Ishmael’s brow furrowed as he glanced around the cabin and squinted at the loft. “I thought you was on your lonesome. Is Grace up thar, abed?”
“Saying grace is the same thing as asking a blessing or praying before a meal.”
“I ain’t niver been churched. Whaddya want me to do whilst you tend to grace?”
“Just bow your head and close your eyes. When I say amen, that means the prayer is over.” Galen rested his elbows on the table and folded his hands.
“That’s a good notion—keeps a body from wantin’ to swipe a mouthful since nobody’s looking.” Ishmael promptly thumped his elbows onto the table and clenched his hands so tightly together his nails went white.
Lord, this man doesn’t just lack his daily bread; he knows nothing about the Living Water. Is that why you brought him here?
“Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for providing this meal. Bless it to our bodies and be with us as we work today. We’d like to ask you to keep watch over our loved ones and keep them safe. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Galen reached for his coffee.
Ishmael gave him a puzzled look. “I thought you Christian folks prayed to God. Didn’t know you talked to the departed. Bet your pa’s pleased you ain’t forgot him.”
Peeling the shell from an egg, Galen carefully considered his words. “My da passed on about two months back.” His voice broke, and he cleared his throat. “We’re all missing him