wondered what else he’d forgotten. After a minute he said, “This isn’t the first child she’s had.” He held up his hands. “I don’t know what the story is. Or even if the child, assuming it lived, is here in San Estevan.”
“But she did have one.”
“Yes, she did.”
“Could you tell how long ago? How old the child would be?”
Guzman shook his head. “I’d guess it wasn’t more than four years or so.”
I started to fiddle for another cigarette and then changed my mind. “So it’s possible there’s a little kid roaming around somewhere wondering what the hell’s happened to his life.”
“Possible,” Guzman said, and he held up his hands again in surrender. I was about to shoot another question at the tired young physician when I heard the front door open and then the sound of enough boots on the tiles to herald an invasion.
Estelle Reyes-Guzman appeared in the doorway, and behind her were two other uniformed deputies, a state trooper, the same Forest Service employee I’d seen up on the mountain, and one other man in plainclothes. It was that man who pushed his way past all the elbows and gun butts and crossed the office to pump my hand.
“Goddamn, look what crawled in!” Castillo County Sheriff Pat Tate bellowed, and I stood up, hand still locked in his beefy paw. I’d tipped more than a few brews with Pat at law confabs all over the state through the years. “Estelle said you was up this way. How the hell have you been?”
“Not bad,” I said.
“No, really,” Pat said, squinting at me like I was lying to him. “The heart and all? That’s fixed up now?”
“All fixed up. And you?”
“Fine, until I got jerked out of bed. Hell of a note. Let me introduce you, here.” He jerked a thumb at first one deputy and then the other. “Paul Garcia and Al Martinez. I think you know Al, don’t you?”
I nodded and shook hands. “It’s been a while,” I said, and Martinez grinned. About six years before, he and I had been involved in a particularly messy prisoner extradition and transfer from my county to Castillo. I was surprised Martinez could still smile when he saw me. As I remember, he’d ended up having to drive the prisoner home in a patrol car that reeked of vomit and it was a six-hour trip. And that was about the best part of the whole deal.
I didn’t know the state policeman, a hatchet-faced man of thirty-five or so with eyes like ice chips. The trooper, Bobby Padgett, shook my hand impassively, since Sheriff Tate hadn’t told him who I was yet. I didn’t figure him for the sort of man who shed any warmth until he had to.
“And you met Les Cook up on the mountain,” Tate said, and I shook hands with the pine tree warden. “Gentlemen, this is Bill Gastner, undersheriff of Posadas County, about a thousand miles south of here, down in the frijole district.”
Tate looked pleased with himself, stepped back, and put his hands on his hips. He was not a particularly big man, maybe five feet seven and 170 pounds. But he managed to look aggressive with his close-cropped and thinning hair, bulbous nose, and stout jaw. “So, you got this goddamned awful affair solved for us?”
I shook my head and sat down again. Estelle had been using her husband’s shoulder as a leaning post, but now she was no longer in the room. I assumed she had slipped out front, either for coffee or maybe to talk with nurse Mary Vallo.
Knowing Estelle, she had thoroughly briefed Sheriff Tate. But she’d still know ten times more than he did. As politic as she was, she’d let him lead the way because he was the boss. She’d done the same with me in previous years, making me and the department look good.
“This is a goddamned mess,” Tate said and found himself a chair. He looked sideways at Guzman. “Did the transfer to Presbyterian go without a hitch?”
Guzman nodded. “She was losing it, though. Dr. Bailey rode down in the ambulance with her.”
“The girl’s not gonna make