Bind, Torture, Kill: The Inside Story of BTK, the Serial Killer Next Door
tax payer as well as your time. Those three dude you have in custody are just talking to get publicity for the Otero murders. They know nothing at all. I did it by myself and with no oneshelp. There has been no talk either.
    Let’s put it straight…..
    The letter then accurately described the positions of all four Otero bodies and named the rope, cord, and knots that bound them. The letter’s notations about Josie Otero, for example, read:
    Position: Hanging by the neck in the northwest part of the basement. Dryer or freezer north of her body.
    Bondage: Hand tie ith blind cord. Feet and lower knees, upper knees and waist with clothes line cord. All one lenght.
    Garrotte: Rough hemp rope ¼ dia., noose with four or five turns. New.
    Clothes: Dark, bra cut in the middle, sock.
    Death: Strangulation once, hung.
    Comments: Rest of her clothes t the bottom of the stairs, green pants, and panties. Her glasses in the southwest bedroom.
    The letter contained details only cops and the killer knew. The writer seemed to confirm Cornwell’s suspicion that the killer had tortured the Oteros: He said he strangled Julie Otero twice.
    I’m sorry this happen to the society. They are the ones who suffer the most. It hard to control myself. You probably call me “psychotic with sexual perversion hang-up.” Where this monster enter my brain I will never know. But, it here to stay. How does one cure himself? If you ask for help, that you have killed four people, they will laugh or hit the panic button and call the cops.
    I can’t stop it so, the monster goes on, and hurt me as wall as society. Society can be thankfull that there are ways for people like me to relieve myself at time by day dreams of some victim being tortore and being mine. It a big compicated game my friend of the monster play putting victims number down, follow them, checking up on them waiting in the dark, waiting, waiting….. the pressure is great and somt-times he run the game to his liking. Maybe you can stop him. I can’t.
    He has areadly chosen his next victim or victims I don’t know who they are yet. The next day after I read the paper, I will Know, but it to late. Good luck hunting.
    The letter gave detectives a sick feeling. They had failed to catch the killer for nine months, and now he said he would kill again. He was even giving himself a name, as though he were another Boston Strangler or Jack the Ripper.
    P.S. Since sex criminals do not change their M.O. or by nature cannot do so, I will not change mine. The code words for me will be…bind them, toture them, kill them, B.T.K., you see he at it again. They will be on the next victim.
    The letter was a lead, but Hannon�who had talked to reporters twice a day with updates on the case in January�kept it secret for now. He thought publicizing the letter might panic people and provide details for copycats. And he worried that publicity would prompt BTK to kill again.
    Some cops suggested BTK’s evident ego could be turned against him. They called editors at the Eagle .
    A few days later, the Eagle began running a personal ad: B.T.K.
    Help is available.
    The ad provided a phone number�and for the sake of convenience asked that BTK call before 10:00 PM .
    The cops also talked to Granger.
    A few days later, on Halloween morning, the Eagle ran a column by Granger, buried back on page 8D, which became the first mention in the news of “BTK.” In it, Granger did not mention that he had received a call or that police had a letter. The newspaper knew more about this case than it let on, but it kept the police department’s secret, a decision later reporters would criticize. Granger merely asked BTK to call him:
    For the past week Wichita police have tried to get in touch with a man who has important information on the Otero murder case�a man who needs help badly.
    You may have noticed the classified ad that ran at the top of our “Personal” column Friday,
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