Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage
better, perhaps if they spent some time with him, they would see what a good and loving young man he was and then they would realize that it would be a good match for her to be with him. The hope of it lifted her spirits a bit and she determined that she would try to make it happen before she had to meet Carter’s son.
    Kimiko picked up her purse and looked through it, then set it back down on the seat beside her. “I’ve left my cell phone in the car. Let me use yours so that I can call your father.”
    Jillian reached into her purse and then handed her cell phone to her mother who excused herself from the table and disappeared. She took the welcome solitude to take a deep breath and try to relax her body from the shock and hurt she had just experienced.
    How could her mother try to make her date a man she didn’t know or care about? She disliked the boy intensely from the incident they had experienced when she was a child and now her mother wanted her to date him! It was unthinkable! She would just have to bring Wilson to the house to have him spend time with her parents so that they could see how wonderful he really was. He would change their minds. They would see. Then she would be able to be with him and marry him.
    Her mother was gone for a long while, but eventually she returned and silently handed Jillian her phone and took her seat again.
    “Carter is going to have his son call you. Be ready for the call, be polite and friendly to him, and if he asks you out on a date, go with him. Do you understand?” she asked pointedly. Jillian took a deep breath. She was going to have to work fast. “I understand,” she said quietly.
    They finished their tea and drove home. Kimiko disappeared into her office and Jillian walked to the garden and sat on her favorite bench beside the koi pond, underneath a weeping willow tree. She pulled her phone from her bag and called Wilson.
    It rang several times, but finally, he answered.
    “Hello?” he said in a sullen voice.
    “Hi, it’s me,” she said, a smile spreading over her face as his voice sounded in her ear and reverberated through her heart.
    “I was thinking that it would be good if you got to know my parents better. They haven’t really spent any time with you and they don’t know you very well. They’re kind of protective of me. I want you to come over for dinner tonight so you can talk with them and let them become more familiar with you. Can you come please?” she asked, all her hope beginning to soar.
    There was a long quiet moment and then Wilson said softly, “Jillian, there’s something I need to tell you.”
    It didn’t sound good. She had talked with him that morning and he had been fine; he had sounded happy and in love, but now he only sounded empty. “Oh no, what is it? What’s wrong?” she asked, concern swelling in her.
    He sighed audibly. “I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” His voice remained low.
    Jillian’s heart stopped mid-beat. “Wha…What?” she stammered. 
    “I don’t think we should see each other anymore,” he repeated a little louder.
    “What are you talking about?” she whispered, as everything in her began to spin like a cyclone; her thoughts and feelings whirring about her out of control.
    “Well, I didn’t know how to tell you this, but there’s this other girl I met, and I’ve kind of been seeing her on the side, I guess. She’s uh… she kind of wants to get serious with me, and I want that with her, too.” He stumbled through the words.
    Jillian felt like lightning was cracking through her head and heart, and her soul was being ripped in half. Tears stung her eyes and blinded her, spilling out onto her face in streams. Her voice was suddenly gone and it cracked when she tried to speak.
    “What are you talking about, Wilson? We were talking about getting married this morning! What other
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