erotica adult passion,
historical 1930s,
surreal fiction,
period erotica,
circus carneval,
surreal erotica,
circus erotica
natures of
publishers and authors alike.
Packed with
laugh-out-loud parodies of best-selling thrillers, romances, crime,
science fiction, erotica, and even the Booker Prize, How to Write
the Perfect Novel names names and shows no mercy to the
perpetrators, submerging you in such brain-numbing brilliance that
you may never browse through a book shop in quite the same way
"This is the kind of
book that you read for the humour, the scathing remarks and the
blatant flaunting of all the rules. Yet it is so cleverly written
that you find yourself learning things that, quite frankly, none of
the other how-to books teach you."
W H Smith
"The perfect antidote
to the thousands of well-meaning, hefty writers’ guides that
currently flood the market."
Essential Writers
"A bitter look at how
to succeed."
Writers’ Forum
“Chicken soup for the
jaded writer’s soul.”
Good Reads
Heidi Hunter, Bad Boy Team