Beyond Varallan
the dermal regenerators back on line.”
    The nurses and I kept the couple busy for the next half hour, while their tempers cooled down. Their stares at Squilyp, however, remained lethal.
    Tonetka came into Medical to relieve me. I could have kissed her. Between Roelm’s ceaseless agitation over the engines and Fasala's parents being prepared to jump Squilyp at any moment, my nerves were frayed. I updated her on each case, and we examined the child together. She ordered the Omorr go off duty a half-shift early and compose a formal apology to Darea and Salo, then asked me to join her in her office.
    “I spoke to Pnor about the buffer. He agreed with Roelm that it could not be breached so,” the Senior Healer said as she sat down at her desk. “You can imagine his surprise when the Environment Operations Station reported extracting over a kilo of buffer alloy from our containers.”
    “So the educators were right.” Xonea wasn’t going to be happy to hear that.
    “The site has been closely inspected. There was no hull breach or plate damage. The buffer is intact. It is as if it never happened.”
    I described Roelm’s wild reaction after transition, and she decided to have the Captain interview the engine designer personally.
    “I have little knowledge of engine design or tolerance. Pnor will sort this out.” Tonetka completed her notes. “Now, regarding your upcoming sojourn.” She handed me a data pad. “Here is a list of your assigned objectives.”
    My first diplomatic mission. Lovely. “Couldn’t you send Squilyp to Ness-whatever instead of me?”
    “NessNevat.” She made an impatient gesture. “Squilyp has created enough difficulties at present. He stays here.”
    “Okay.” I watched her smother a yawn. “Want me to stick around for a while?”
    “No, I am well,” Tonetka said, then sighed. “I look forward to returning to Joren. I can think of nothing better than basking in the radiance of our sun, and compelling my mate to cook for me.”
    “Sounds great,” I said. “Maybe I’ll join you.”
    The Senior Healer snorted. “I do not care for the warmth of mercenary pulse fire.”
    The careless remark stung, but I only sighed. If I wasn’t the most wanted being in the galaxy, I certainly took second place. “Good choice.”
    “Forgive me.” Tonetka made an embarrassed gesture. “I did not think before I spoke, Cherijo.”
    “It’s okay. Besides, even if I left the ship with you, I'd have to eventually find another job.”
    A nurse signaled from the ward and indicated that Roelm wished to speak with Tonetka.
    “Now that gives me an idea,” I said, and grinned. “Maybe I’ll find a new vocation. Something like… basket weaving.”
    “I would not consult Roelm Torin about your proposal,” Tonetka said. “His pressures would remain permanently in the red range.”
    Jenner woke me early the next morning, the usual way. Fifteen pounds of Terran Tibetan temple cat landed on my chest. I opened my eyes and got the Imperial Glare.
    “Hungry, Your Majesty?”
    Jenner’s silver fur rippled as he drew himself up and thumped his haunches down on my rib cage. I could almost hear his disgusted thoughts. After nine years of training you, you still have to ask ?
    “All right, all right.” I made him his breakfast and a server of tea for me. Once he’d wolfed down his portion, my pet padded off to find a comfortable perch. “Hey, don't wreck my favorite chair.”
    Jenner ignored me and jumped up on it. Was your favorite chair. It’s mine now . He began kneading the cushion with his paws, preparing for the first of his hundred or so daily naps.
    “Don’t push your luck, pal,” I said. “I'll make you take a feline exercise program. You're getting fat, you know.”
    His large blue eyes became indignant slits. It’s not fat, it's muscle .
    “I see you… running laps around a track.” I grinned. “Being chased by Terran hounds.”
    I got my chair back.
    After a light meal, I dressed and
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