
Beta Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Beta Read Online Free PDF
Author: Edugardo Gilbert X
times but he had Christian back at the
pack house and I had class in the morning.
    He played with my
waist length blonde hair for awhile, just stroking it and moving it
away from my face. The gesture was unbelievably comforting to the
point I could have drifted off to sleep but I wanted to stay awake
to be with him.
    "So when do you
have to leave?" I asked.
    "Soon. I hadn't
planned on staying this long," he said smugly.
    "Are you glad you
    "Of course. It
might be too soon but.. I love you, Elizabeth. You're the only
woman I could possibly want."
    I felt my heart
jump in my throat at his confession. I was sure he was joking but
his expression told me he was being serious. He simply looked at
me, waiting patiently for my response. It was soon. I mean, I just
met him this afternoon and here I was meeting his son, losing my
virginity to him, and cuddling.
    "I love you, too,
Titus," I finally managed to say.
    It was the truth,
too. He was all I wanted for the rest of my life and I did love
him, deeply. I would even go as far as saying I was in love with
this man, this perfect being.
    "Good," he said
with a genuine smile, "I'll stay until you fall asleep."
    I nodded and
cuddled into his chest as he adjust his arm around me. His presence
was so warm and comforting, I instantly started to slip into
    "Titus?" I asked
half awake.
    "Will you and
Christian visit me tomorrow?"
    "You want to see
him again?" He asked, clearly amused.
    I nodded a
    "We will pick you
up from school tomorrow and have dinner. Is that okay?"
    "Perfect," I
mumble before drifting off.
    I packed up my
backpack as quickly as possibly so I could hurry and see Titus. I
had been counting the seconds through every class in anticipation
for my evening with Titus and Christian.
    I went out of the
two story brick building scanning the parking lot for Titus. I
noticed him leaned against a new-looking black Range Rover. His
smile instantly made an appearance when he spotted me walking
towards him. I had taken a little extra care with my appearance
since I knew I was going to be with him for awhile.
    "Hey," I greeted
as I bounced up to him.
    He pulled me
close for a light kiss, something that still felt appropriate in
public but somehow private at the same time.
    "How was your
day?" He asked as he pulled my door open.
    He closed the
door behind me and I turned to see Christian's car seat in the back
but I couldn't see him.
    "How was your
day?" I asked after he got in.
    "Long," he
    "What did you
    "Mostly just
meetings. Christian has been crying. A lot," he said
    "The same way he
was last night?"
    "No. Just more
fussy than anything but it's been all day. Every time I left the
room he started crying."
    I nodded
suggestions?" He asked.
    I laughed, "I can
only tell you if something is physically wrong with him. I don't
have the first clue about a fussy baby."
    He smiled as he
watched the road. I made a mental note to try reading some sort of
baby caring book. I had come to terms with the fact Christian would
be like my son too and I needed to know how to care for
    "Where are we
    I rolled my eyes,
"I know that. I meant where, specifically."
    "Be patient," he
teased, "My parents want to meet you."
    "Today?" I choked
    I wasn't ready to
meet his parents! I had just met him!
    "I told them they
needed to wait until you joined my pack."
    I breathed a sigh
of relief, "Okay."
    So I had about a
month before I had to worry about that. I knew a month would do
nothing to calm my nerves but at least I didn't have to face it
right now.
    We stopped at a
local restaurant that belonged to a small family of wolves. I
usually tried to stay out of any pack business and away from pack
members because of my parents. When I first came to pack living, I
was ostracized because of what they did but as time went on, people
learned to accept my existence even if that meant they usually
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