Benjamin Franklinstein Meets the Fright Brothers

Benjamin Franklinstein Meets the Fright Brothers Read Online Free PDF

Book: Benjamin Franklinstein Meets the Fright Brothers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Matthew McElligott
words is so strange,” Victor said, ignoring Scott’s comment. “They probably wrote the statement together.”
    â€œHey,” Scott said, “I just remembered something I noticed at the parade. Play it again.”
    Victor clicked on the picture.
    â€œThere!” Scott said. “I knew there was something weird about them. Zoom in on their eyes.”
    Victor moved the image of the mayor’s head to the center of the screen and zoomed in. “Okay, that is weird.”
    â€œHer eyes,” Franklin said. “Are they glowing?”
    â€œIt does look like it. Just a bit.”
    â€œCheck out the other guys up there,” Scott said.
    Victor shifted the image around from Dr. Kane the zoologist to Mr. Girard of the FAA. Everyone’s eyes had a faint red glow, except for the two men from the bike shop, who wore sunglasses.
    â€œIt could be a problem with the video encoding,” Victor said.
    â€œThere’s more,” Franklin said gravely. “Look at the mayor’s neck.”
    â€œBite marks!” Scott gasped. “She was bitten. By the giant monster bats!”
    Victor shook his head. “They’re just moles, or birthmarks or—”
    â€œDr. Kane and Mr. Girard have them as well,” Franklin said. “Does it seem likely that all three would have these marks in exactly the same places?”
    â€œBut the two men from the bike shop don’t have anything on their necks.”
    â€œThey wouldn’t,” Scott insisted.
    â€œWhat do you mean?” Victor said.
    â€œIt all makes sense. Giant monster bats? People with bite marks on their necks talking all weird? Those guys from the bike shop made those bite marks. They aren’t really bicycle repairmen at all— they’re vampires! ”
    THAT NIGHT . . .
    WURP investigative reporter Katie Kaitlyn reviewed her notes as she crossed the park on her way back to the station. There was no question about it. These giant bats were the real deal, and someone was trying to cover it up. But why?
    She had seen one with her own eyes.
    Two weeks ago, while walking to her car, she had glanced up. The ominous winged creature had been blacker than the night sky and so big that for one brief second, it blotted out the moon.
    Swamp gas? Please. This story had conspiracy written all over it.
    The latest interview was the icing on the cake. A highranking source in the police department had confirmed her suspicions.
    Katie Kaitlyn wondered how far the cover-up went. The city council? The mayor?
    She sat down on a bench beneath a streetlamp and phoned her producer. His voice mail picked up. No matter—she’d fill him in as soon as she got back to the station. If she hurried, the story would make the eleven o’clock news. It might even win her an award.
    She stood up and put her phone and notes back into her purse.
    The streetlamp flickered and then went out. She heard footsteps approaching, clacking on the pavement. Clutching her purse close, she rushed toward the corner.
    As she hurried, the footsteps grew distant, but Katie Kaitlyn wasn’t one to let her guard down. She began running faster. At her car door, she fumbled with her keys.
    Something swooped in and bit her neck.

    Franklinstein Unleashed!
    Over the next few days, Franklin and Victor worked on improving the equipment in the basement laboratory. All the while, they monitored the electrophone for another message from the mysterious voice.
    â€œThis waiting,” Franklin said, “it’s driving me mad!”
    â€œI understand,” Victor said, “but the voice said you need to be here if we get another call. How’s the temperature on the Hyperion coil?”
    Franklin examined a gauge. “It is still running a trifle hot. Perhaps we should add more cooling agent.”
    On the floor in the corner, Scott was tinkering with his grandfather’s broken radio.
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