juice which was why it made her so drunk. Yeah, she ’ d have to be very, very careful about what she drank tonight.
Her friends always said she was hilarious when she got drunk but somehow she didn ’ t think that David ’ s new boss and his wife would find her quite so funny . For starters, they lived on the south side of Dublin and Ellie always felt intimidated as soon as she crossed the Liffey from her home ground on the north side. She knew it was stupid but she couldn ’ t help it. It was well known that south - siders looked down on those who hailed from north of the river . Those awful jokes that were always going around didn ’ t help either. The latest one doing the rounds was: ‘ Why do birds fly upside down when they fly over the north side? ’ ‘ Because it ’ s not worth shitting on .’ Ellie snorted. Was it any wonder that she was suspicious of south - siders when they coined cruel jokes like that?
She was gobsmacked when they arrived at the gates of a house that would not have been out of place in Beverly Hills.
“ Wow! ” she exclaimed as David pressed the bell on the gate.
“ Yes, sir? ” a stiff voice came over the intercom.
“ It ’ s David Murphy, ” David replied, a slight shake in his voice.
“ Good evening, Mr Murphy. Please drive right on in. ”
The gates opened slowly as a myriad of security cameras watched their every move. They drove slowly up the long drive which was lit with lanterns all the way up to the house. There, a uniformed man came out and offered to take the car and park it. David handed over the keys of his precious BMW without as much as a murmur – something he ’ d never done for her, Ellie couldn ’ t help thinking.
Entering through the large marble columns into a sumptuous foyer, Ellie ’ s eyes were out on sticks. Imagine that such houses existed in Dublin and less than ten miles from the city centre ! She knew of course that Bono and some other stars had mansions in this area , but she ’ d never imagined that she ’ d ever be actually standing in one of them. A butler took her jacket as an attractive grey-haired man came forward to greet them.
“ David, so glad you could make it, ” he said, pumping David ’ s hand.
“ Thank you for inviting us, Mr –” David started, a slight quiver in his voice but the man cut him short.
“ Please, call me Frank. We ’ re all on first - name terms in this company .” He winked at them. “ And this is . . .? ” He looked towards Ellie with a glint in his eye .
“ Sorry, Mr – er – Frank, this is my – eh – fiancée, Ellie. ”
Ellie blushed prettily. David still hadn ’ t got used to calling her his fiancée. Well, it was only natural, wasn ’ t it? T hey ’ d been engaged such a short time. She, on the other hand had said the words , ‘ my fiancé, David, ’ a dozen times a day – if only to herself – as she flashed her hand with its large diamond ring in front of her. She still marvelled at the fact that she was actually engaged to be married.
Ellie smiled at the older man, her dimples enhancing her attractive, pretty features. “ Pleased to meet you, Frank, ” she said breathlessly, offering her hand.
He took it and put it to his lips. “ Well, David, you certainly know how to pick them, ” he said, his eyes never leaving Ellie ’ s.
I don ’ t believe it ! This old geezer is flirting with me. She couldn ’ t help herself and pealed with laughter. Frank laughed too and winked at her lasciviously. David joined in although he didn ’ t have any idea what he was laughing at. He guessed he ’ d missed something, somewhere.
“ Frank, darling, ” a plummy posh voice rang out and Ellie turned to see a woman teetering towards them on five-inch heels. Ellie reckoned that she was in her mid-fifties although she could have passed for forty-five. Ellie ’ s eagle eye, honed from five years of working in a beauty salon, appraised the woman ’ s face and in a jiffy pinpointed