Before I Break

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Book: Before I Break Read Online Free PDF
Author: Portia Moore
looking me directly in the eyes.
    “Oh, FUCK me,” Jenna shouts, and I realize how this looks. I don’t understand anything that’s going on. I hand the girl over to my dad but by the time I do, Jenna has shot down the porch and is headed towards her car.
    “Je nna,” I shout, running after her. She whips around and holds her hand out.
    “No. Y ou stay! That is obviously where your concern lies right now!” she says, hysterically opening her car door.
    “Jenn a, no! It’s not like that!” I plead as she slams the door in my face. I try to open it but she’s locked it. She lets her window down.
    “Stay the hell away from me, Chris. Go attend to your wife !” she yells before pulling out of the driveway. I kick the dirt and punch the air. My life has turned into a living hell. I glance up, and my dad is back in the house. My mom stands on the porch looking at me with tears in her eyes.
    “How do you know her, M om?” I’m shouting now. I know it’s not her fault but she knows something. I’m so mad, there are tears in my eyes now.
    “Ch ristopher,” she pleads.
    “Tel l me!” I shout again.
    “Chris.” M y dad has reappeared in the doorway and comes down to meet me . “Go after your fiancé. We’ll explain later,” he says. His voice is calm as he hands me my phone and keys, ignoring my perplexed expression. He takes my mother’s hand and leads her into the house.
    I’ m in the twilight zone. How is he so calm right now? I don’t take time to question him. I hop in my truck, ready to go after Jenna but slam my hands on the steering wheel. She’s not going to hear anything I have to say unless I have an explanation for all this.
    I pull out my phone to call her . I see all the missed calls yesterday from Jenna, my parents, and Lisa. There are voicemails from each of their numbers plus one unknown. I hit the prompt to play the one from the unknown number. At first all I hear is a lot of static and wind. Then it starts.
    “You really are more fucking dense than I thought. All of these years and you still think you’re just having blackouts?! I don't have much time so I’ll get to the point. You can’t get married because you already are, dumbass. Talk to Dexter. Make this right or I’ll have to do it for you. Stay away from any Altars .” The voice chuckles. “No pun intended. If you don’t, there will be hell to pay. You can bet on that. Oh and by the way, since no one gave two shits to inform you, I’m Cal.”
    I replay the messag e again and again. My hands won’t stop shaking. The scary part is, this is the second time today I’ve heard the name Cal. But, what terrifies me is the voice in the message is mine.

    Chapter 3
    This is a joke. Some sick, messed up, twisted joke. I slam my phone in to the steering wheel as Dexter’s voicemail comes on for the thousandth time. Who did I piss off to deserve this? My whole life I’ve tried to do the right thing; listen to my parents, treat people with respect, follow the rules, and I end up with a brain disorder that causes me to have blackouts and amnesia.
    Then, a fter everything that’s happened today, I get this voice on my phone—this asshole on my phone—adding a million questions to the hundred I had before even listening to the message.
    How could this person sound just like me? Who am I kidding it doesn’t sound like me, it is me. But how? It’s impossible. Why would I call myself Cal? It couldn't have been me. The worst part is, today of all days, this girl shows up claiming that I’m her husband whose name happens to be Cal. I’m afraid to put the pieces of all this together.
    “Make this right or there will be hell to pay!” Who the hell does this guy think he is to threaten me? Why would I threaten myself at all? This can’t be real. Maybe it isn’t my voice. I want to run back in the house and let my parents listen to the message, but the girl is still there. I definitely can’t deal with that right now. And
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