Bedded by the Italian Playboy

Bedded by the Italian Playboy Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bedded by the Italian Playboy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Emma Shortt
his, laughing with him, a
delightful little gurgle that made him want to reach over, scoop her into his
arms and kiss her senseless.
we’re not far from
,” she added, “and we
go there sometimes, for shopping and the cinema.”
      “This is your first trip to
,” he said, remembering her words from
I’ve been looking forward to it all year. It was my sister’s idea. She took a
similar trip a few years back and insisted it was the best time she ever had.
She offered to come with me but I thought it would be a good idea to do this on
my own.”
how long have you been here?”
caught the train up this morning,” she said. “It took two hours to get in to
Paddington. I wanted to see Knightsbridge so I jumped into a taxi straight
away. I was on my way to my hotel when we…well, when we met.”
frowned. “Straight from the train? But where is your luggage? Did you not bring
any with you?”
my gosh!” She jumped up and automatically Dominic stood too.
is it?” he asked, reaching out to steady her. “Your head? Are you okay? Shall I
call the doctor back?”
lifted her eyes and his heart gave an odd little thump at the stricken look on
her face. “I had my bag when I jumped out of the way of your car,” she
whispered. “I didn’t…I forgot…oh my gosh, I forgot to get it!”
frowned. “You had it with you? I did not see a large bag.”
It was only small. I’m only here for a few days, just a couple of outfits. But
I…it had all my things in! My very best outfits. The cardigan my Nanna gave me
for my birthday! My mobile phone and my train ticket! Dominic, I was so
confused I forgot. Oh no….”
way she said his name…he swallowed unsteadily. Her mouth caressed it like a
kiss and yet he got the feeling she did not even realize she was doing it. He
shifted position, his cock still fighting to spring free of his trousers.
not worry,” he said. “I will send someone to go and look for it. We will find
your bag.”
      He reached out and took her hands in his
again. They were so small. They fit in his just as they should. “I will take
care of this, Cara ,” he said. “If
worse comes to worst and we cannot find your bag then we will simply order some
new items. A new ticket.”
shook her head and blushed all over again. “No. You don’t understand. I just….”
bottom lip quivered, almost like she was fighting tears, and abruptly Dominic
felt his chest tighten. He paused for just a moment to try and understand the
feelings running through him and was shocked when he realized that he wanted to
make it all better. To wipe away the stricken look on her face and get her shy
little smile back. It was a very odd feeling for him. Not in some years had
Dominic experienced such tender feelings for a woman. And yet for Rachel, this
woman fate had thrown at him, he did.
should probably just head back home,” she whispered. “I can ring my dad from
the station and ask him to buy me a new ticket.”
was going to leave? Before he got to know her better? Before he could sample
her charms? Unacceptable. Dominic
knew then that he had no choice but to make her stay. He wanted her exactly
where she was and when he wanted he got. That was how it worked.
would you do such a thing?” he demanded. “You are here for a long weekend you
lip continued to quiver and her hands actually shook a little in his. “But I
have no clothes. No toiletries. Nothing but what I’m wearing and my only money
is in my jacket pocket. It isn’t enough to buy new things,” she said softly.
“After all those months of looking forward to this…I’m so stupid….”
will buy these items,” he said, satisfaction filling him now that the solution
was obvious. He would spoil her and it would make up for the whole situation
which in reality was
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