Bearly In Time
misses you,” Grace said, joining in. “His bear bonded with you.”
    “A shifter bond is the strongest bond there is,” Angie added.
    Lies . Just more lies. Why was he with another girl if his bond was so strong?
    “The wedding is in four days,” Rebecca said, feeling a flutter in her stomach. “I’ve made my decision. It would mean the world to me if you two were beside me, supporting me and my choice.”
    Angie and Grace glanced at each other with worried looks on their faces.
    “Alright,” Grace said nodding.
    “Fine,” Angie said, looking up at the trees.
    The rest of the afternoon was tense. Rebecca sighed when the two girls tried on their dresses. They would look prettier than her. As usual.
    Only Angie’s dress needed a slight alteration, that she said she would do herself. Rebecca felt a bit unsure leaving it with her but she insisted she knew what she was doing. “I read a book on sewing,” she said.
    “Of course you did,” Rebecca answered.
    They had asked her to stay the night but their earlier comments were still ringing in her head. Was Connor actually miserable? Did he really miss her?
    Being here was stirring up too many thoughts and too many unhelpful emotions. She was getting married in a few days and didn’t need these doubts in the back of her mind. This was supposed to be the happiest time in her life. So why was it the most stressful?
    It was the evening when she finally left. It was too hard being here and she just wanted to go home. She would drive through the night and try to convince herself for good that she was making the right decision.
    She waved to Angie and Grace as she pulled out of the driveway. She squeezed the steering wheel and took a deep breath as she turned onto the road.
    The sign was up ahead. Her eyes locked on it as she drove. Her car slowed down, her foot acting under its own volition, and parked on the side of the road in front of the sign.
    She had to know.
    She couldn’t get married to Mark without knowing the truth. It would haunt her for the rest of her life. Every time that Mark snapped at her or came home really late at night; she would always wonder. Wonder if she had made the right decision.
    She pulled the keys out of the ignition and took a deep breath. It was time to hear Connor’s story. It was time to hear the truth. No lies. She would make him tell her the truth.
    She stepped out of the car, squeezing her keys in her hand, and made her way down the path. Her heart was pounding, her pulse in fifth gear. What was she going to say to him? How would he react when he saw her?
    She made her way down to the familiar cabin. She held her breath as she glanced at the porch swing. It was empty. The image of Connor and that girl in her mind still made her wince.
    Rebecca continued down to the river. She could hear it in the distance, babbling and gurgling, as if it was talking to her.
    She froze in her flip flops when she saw him. He was sitting on the river bank with his back to her. And he wasn’t alone. The same girl with the long, auburn hair, was sitting beside him, rubbing his back.
    Her reaction wasn’t as intense as the last time. Oddly enough she felt a sense of relief. She had been right about him all along.
    She stared at the girl’s hand, rubbing Connor’s muscular back. She wanted this image seared into her brain so that every time a nice thought of him popped into her head it would be quickly replaced with this. With his true nature.
    The girl leaned into him, placing her head on his shoulder, and Rebecca had seen enough. She hurried back to her car with no tears or nausea this time. Just an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had cried enough over Connor. She had no more tears left for him.
    She started the car while staring vacantly down the road. I’ll never come back here , she vowed to herself. I never want to see him again.
    She put the car into drive and pulled away from Brooke Excursions, relieved to finally know the true
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