Bad Boy vs Millionaire
he'd ask about Hannah and try to get some news but he didn't. Instead the topic hung between us like a giant wall, making all other conversation impossible.
    He really felt something for her, that was plain. It wasn’t just a fling for him or he'd not have any problem mentioning her name.
    “ When's the new song going to be ready?”
    Jack shrugged.
    “ Sheesh, don't just shrug at me. Do you know how annoying that is? People shouldn't just shrug. Do you have a time frame? Next week? Next month? And, even though you haven't asked, she's still in Tokyo. She's fine but just having some issues ― again ― with her father. She hasn't mentioned you either but that's because you are both a pair of stubborn idiots. In fact, she wanted to come home but I told her to stay longer.”
    “ Why?”
    “ Because there is a pair of killer boots in this shop in Harajuku that I need and if she doesn't buy them for me, I'll have to pay a small fortune in postage. In this life, if it comes down to me having killer boots or your love life, I pick the boots okay. Do you have a problem with that?”
    I glared at him to challenge his answer and, for the first time, I saw a twitch of a smile at the corner of his mouth and it made me soften a bit.
    “ I told her to stay away for a while. Get her head together. The two of you, well things were getting a bit intense, you know. Not giving any advice here, except be careful. Hannah isn't the type to fool around. I think you need some space to work out what you want too.”
    “ What’s going on?”
    Eric came out of his room, wearing a pair of Spiderman PJs. Did he have any idea how cute that looked? It made Jack’s rocker outfit seem contrived. And he had fluffy bed hair that flopped over his eyes.
    I turned back to Jack so I’d stop thinking about that hair. When they both sat down, I dropped the news on them.
    “ A nationwide tour opening for Monkey Bride? Fuck yeah we want to do it.”
    Jack sat on the armchair with his leg over the arm. A grin broke out over his face. You could tell his was the stuff a guy like him dreamt of. The kind of stuff that took a band from playing dingy bars to playing stadiums. Opening for a huge overseas act. He'd never say no to that.
    Eric looked less excited.
    “ We need Hannah, don't we? We can't go into these negotiations without her. We've all heard the stories about bands getting totally screwed in situations like this. Ending up owing more money than they made.”
    “ Technically, we don't need her. We could get a lawyer ourselves. Someone who handles this kind of thing. If she wants to be off travelling the world, then we shouldn't mess with that.”
    Jack had fallen so hard. He was totally pining away and trying to put on the “don't care” attitude. A light came into his eyes when her name was mentioned and he tried to avoid eye contact, as though he knew and wanted to hide it.
    “ Jack, we need Hannah. She can deal with the lawyers. We have no idea.”
    I smiled at Eric. He knew sense. Hannah had been right about him. 
    “ It's too late anyway, Jack. I've emailed her. She's not got back to me yet but I have no idea what the time difference is or anything.” I knew full well what the time difference was but had no intention of saying anything about Hannah hanging out with some Richy McRicherson rich guy.
    “ Hey, if she comes home, she comes home. I'm just saying I’m not going to ask her.”
    He ran his fingers through his hair, still not making eye contact with me then he picked up his guitar and walked upstairs. As he got to his door, he turned back.
    “ Opening for Monkey Bride, that's really something.”
    Somehow it seemed a bit awkward with just Eric and me left behind. Like I didn't quite know what to say.
    “ I should go too,” I said. “Lots of work to do for school. And I bet you are busy.”
    “ Actually, I've been working on some new graphics for the band. Do you want to see them?”
    Hells yeah I wanted to see them. Eric
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