Backstage with Her Ex

Backstage with Her Ex Read Online Free PDF

Book: Backstage with Her Ex Read Online Free PDF
Author: Louisa George
just so they’d see her as human and approachable. But she was always in control. Always.
    But there was her body reacting all by itself again. The drumming developed into full-on bongos in her chest, her hands grew sticky and her peripheral vision fuzzied.
    But her head was in full control. ‘I thought you were on a date? What’s the problem—couldn’t she keep up with your ego, or the delightful twins’ bimbo competition?’
    A deep rumble permeated down the phone. ‘Date? Oh, yes. That. It was great.’
    â€˜Didn’t last long. Don’t tell me, you peaked too soon.’
    â€˜Sweet thing, believe me, I haven’t even started.’ His voice lowered to a growl that sounded a lot like sex, and he knew damned well he was winding her up. ‘You know, you show way more spirit over the phone than in person. Easy when you can’t see me, eh? But don’t forget I know how easy it is to make you blush.’
    Too right. On cue heat swept across her cheeks and down her neck as if proving his point. Maybe her cocky attitude would ruin their chances, but somehow she didn’t think so. She guessed he had his fair share of yes-people in his life. But Nate wouldn’t like that. He liked down-to-earth honesty and playfulness rather than false praise. At least he used to. ‘And you called because?’ She crossed her fingers and prayed.
    â€˜I’ve been thinking.’
    â€˜Gosh, well done.’
    â€˜See? Spirit. I’d forgotten that.’ His laugh was gentle and surprising. ‘About your project. You want to give me more details? Dates, times...’
    Hope rose as the drumming beat faster in off-beat demi-semi quavers. That hurt. ‘So you’ll do it? You’ll do the concert?’
    In answer to Sasha’s thumbs-up sign and broad grin, Cassie gyrated across the floor, wiggling her skinny backside in an attempt to mimic Nate’s very sexy stage performance.
    Sasha held her breath and tried to control the relieved laughter. ‘Thank you. Thank you so much—you don’t know how much this means to the choir—’
    â€˜Hold on, Sasha, I’m not making any promises. I need to check my schedule. Text your address to this number and I’ll send a car for you tomorrow at seven p.m. You can come to my hotel and we’ll talk more.’
    â€˜Not that it doesn’t sound fancy, and I’m very grateful, but I’ve been making my own way around London for years.’ She didn’t need any more reasons to be beholden to him. ‘Just tell me where you’re staying. I’ll get there.’
    â€˜No.’ He clearly didn’t trust her with that kind of information. Not surprising really after she’d turned her back on him. At the time she’d called it self-preservation but, in hindsight, he’d probably seen it as betrayal. ‘My car will be there at seven. Be ready.’
    â€˜Sasha, this works better for me. I don’t want anyone getting wind of this yet, okay? And the press have a way of finding things out.’
    â€˜And being nice interferes with your bad-boy image?’
    â€˜Really? You think I care what the press think? It’s way too late for that. I don’t want to get the kids’ hopes up and then not be able to follow through. And it’s my private cellphone, so don’t ever give this number to anyone.’
    Normally she didn’t take kindly to being bossed around, but the guy had just given her an opening. The choir would be thrilled, their financial problems solved, if she could pull it off. And keep her jumping heart out of it. ‘Okay. Seven p.m. tomorrow, then.’
    â€˜Oh, and one last thing, Sasha. This is just for Marshall, okay?’
    * * *
    â€˜Mr Munro will see you now.’ The bear appeared in the reception of the Grand Riverview Hotel, complete with earpiece and grimace. ‘This way.’
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