
Backlash Read Online Free PDF

Book: Backlash Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah Littman
There are, like, a gazillion texts from Maddie and Cara, but I’m not up to reading them now. I just want to go home. It’s already so late I can forget about washing my hair. I’ll be lucky if I even get any sleep before auditions. Like, I know this is a crisis, and my sister is in really bad shape — again — but I’m so sick of being treated like a second-class kid just because Lara is messed up. It’s not fair!! I’m probably going to win the Worst Daughter in the World Award for asking to leave, but I decide to do it anyway.
    “Mom … Dad? I know it’s a bad time, but when are we going to go home? I have auditions tomorrow.”
    Mom looks like she’s about to explode and is trying very hard to hold it together.
    “Sydney, do you understand what is going on here?” she says to me like I’m a three-year-old, which just sets my teeth on edge.
    “Yeah. I understand perfectly, Mom. Lara tried to kill herself, which is really, really awful. I was scared she was going to die just like you were. Now she’s going to be okay. I’m happy and relieved about that, honestly, I am. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that Lara’s messing my life up again, just like she always does.”
    Mom opens her mouth, probably to tell me how awful and selfish I am, but Dad gestures to her to be quiet.
    He puts his arm around me and guides me down the hall away from Lara Watch and my angry mother, who, as usual, doesn’t understand me.
    “I need a snack. How about you?”
    “I want to go home,” I tell him, my voice cracking despite all my best efforts to stay cool. “I want to be able to audition for the musical tomorrow. I don’t want Lara to ruin this like she does everything.”
    Dad stops and turns me so I’m facing him, with his hands on my shoulders. He looks down at me, and when I notice the shadows and lines around his eyes, I feel bad for causing him more problems. But then my fists clench, because why should I always have to be the one who feels bad? I’ve worked hard and now Lara’s screwing things up for me. Story of my life.
    “Honey, I know this seems unfair to you,” Dad says. “It is unfair. There’s nothing fair about it.”
    “So? How come we can’t go home, then?”
    I’ve got two parents here, and they each have a car. One of them could drive me home.
    Dad sighs heavily.
    “Because we’re a family, and we love and support each other. We’re part of a team. Sometimes,” he says, patting my shoulder, “you just have to take one for the team.”
    I shrug his hand off my shoulder. I can’t believe this is happening, again. Actually I can. That’s what’s so messed up about it.
    “How come it’s always me who has to take one for the team?” I ask, fighting a lump of angry tears in my throat. “When’s it going to be someone else’s turn?”
    Someone else like Lara , for example. But of course, I can’t say that, especially not now.
    “Oh, honey, I know …”
    Dad hugs me, but I stand stiffly. I don’t want his hug right now. I just want him to take me home. But that’s not going to happen.
    My phone buzzes with an incoming text.
    “Go back to Lara,” I say. “I’ll be taking one for the team in the family waiting room.”
    I can tell he’s torn. He wants to be by Lara’s side, but he’s trying to make it up to me for missing auditions. Like taking me for some crummy hospital cafeteria food could actually do that. Nice try, Dad.
    “Are you sure you’re not hungry?” Dad asks.
    “I’ll come get you if I am.”
    He kisses the top of my head and heads back to Lara, the important child.
    I walk to the visitors lounge to read my text. I need time away from the family drama to be angry on my own.
    The text is from Liam.
Hey, Syd. Saw Lara taken in ambulance. Is she okay? Are YOU okay?
    I hesitate before texting Liam back. Ever since Lara and Bree stopped being friends, it’s been kind of awkward for us. Like, before, our families used to hang out and do stuff together
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