Back to the Future

Back to the Future Read Online Free PDF

Book: Back to the Future Read Online Free PDF
Author: George Gipe
Tags: Science-Fiction, Time travel
father and Biff Tannen, watching in silence as the truck driver unhitched the damaged vehicle.
    George McFly was forty-seven but seemed much older to Marty. An uninspired man who was generally afraid to take even the tiniest daring step, not having changed his haircut in over thirty years, he was dressed in an equally boring suit he had purchased four years before at Sears. The man standing next to him was a sharp contrast in both sartorial color and demeanor. Just a year older than George McFly, Biff Tannen stood with his potbelly leaning unashamedly over his trouser tops, an attitude that made his loud plaid suit, pinky rings and gold chains seem even more bizarre. Whereas George McFly was reticent, Biff was loud and obnoxious, the type of person who talks loudly in movie houses or yells epithets at players during sports events. He was, in short, an intimidating lout, and no one was more easily intimidated than his friend and associate George.
    Now, as Marty approached on the skateboard, he heard the familiar tone of disgust in Biff’s voice as he addressed his father.
    “I can’t believe you did this, McFly,” Biff rasped. “I can’t believe you loaned me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could have been killed.”
    Tell him good, Marty thought, tell him we’d all be better off if Biff Tannen was in traction.
    George McFly, of course, could not stand up to Biff’s assault. Instead he replied weakly: “Biff, I never noticed any blind spot before.”
    “What, are you blind, McFly? It’s there! How else can you explain this?”
    Tell him the driver was lousy, Marty thought. If only his father would stand up to him once!
    George McFly looked at the ground and made no direct answer to the irrational question. “Can I assume that your insurance will pay for this?” he asked. It sounded more like begging.
    “My insurance?” Biff returned hotly. “It’s your car with your blind spot. Your insurance should pay for it. I want to know who’s gonna pay for this.”
    He indicated his stained suit.
    “I spilled beer all over it when that car hit me,” Biff continued. “Who’s gonna pay the cleaning bill? Tell me, that, McFly.”
    Marty couldn’t stand it a minute longer. “Maybe the judge who hears you were drinking while driving will pay for it,” he interjected.
    Biff’s eyes narrowed. “Tell your kid to keep outa this, McFly,” he ordered.
    George did not issue such an order but he might as well have done so. Pulling out his wallet, he extracted a twenty-dollar bill and handed it to Biff. “Will this cover it?” he asked meekly.
    Biff snatched the bill out of George’s fingers and cast a quick triumphant glare at Marty.
    “It’s a start,” he said.
    “It’ll probably buy two of those suits,” Marty shot back.
    Biff flushed. “Shut up,” he said.
    Then, turning back to his primary target, he said to Marty’s father: “Where are your reports?”
    George McFly paled even more than his usual off-white fishy complexion. “Well, I haven’t finished them yet,” he apologized. “I figured that since they weren’t really due till Monday…”
    Biff stepped forward and tapped George’s forehead with his fist, like someone rapping on a door. “Hello,” he said. “Is anybody home in there? Think, McFly, think! I’ve gotta have time to get them retyped. If I turn in my reports in your handwriting, I’ll get fired.”
    Marty was furious with his father. Tell him to do the reports himself, he thought.
    Once again his father backed off. “O.K.,” he said. “I’ll finish them tonight and run them over first thing in the morning, if that’s all right.”
    “Not too early,” Biff muttered. “I sleep in on Saturdays.”
    Marty turned away. He honestly thought he was about to throw up. Not only was Biff’s treatment of his father subhuman, but also he had just realized that, with the car wrecked, his date with Jennifer was out the window. It had been the worst of all possible
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