Baby Be Mine (Spinsters & Casanovas Series Book 1)
said, smiling. And turning to the bartender, she shouted,
“I’m thirty. My friend just confirmed that fact.”
    “No,” the bartender said, looking a bit
    Who in their right mind wouldn’t be
flustered when faced with two gorgeous women demanding his
attention like that? Somehow, for that split second, he envied the
    “Can’t you see? I’m not a twenty-year-old
kid,” the woman whined.
    Obviously, this must have had something to
do with fake IDs. Kids these days wanted to drink alcohol way
before their time. Even though he considered himself a kid still,
he was way over twenty-one and looked well over twenty-five, so
there was no need for a fake ID there.
    “Don’t show me that face,” the girl yelled
at the bartender. “You want to see my ID? Fine, I’ll show you my
    The scene playing out before him was
starting to become humorous, and Hunter couldn’t help but continue
to tune in as the drama unfolded before him. It wasn’t every day he
got to see a beautiful young girl, looking not a minute older than
nineteen, claiming to be thirty just so she could get a sip of
alcohol into that gorgeous body of hers.
    Hunter chuckled and shook his head. He could
only recall one other time when his life was this amusing. It
happened about a week ago, when a girl gave him a bouquet of roses
the day before Valentine’s Day and then ran off after yanking his
towel, exposing his naked state.
    He could still remember standing there, butt
naked and all, gazing at her as she scrambled away in fright,
oblivious to the sound of whatshername, the girl he’d just had sex
with, screaming loudly, making threatening remarks about wanting to
kill that girl if she were to see her again.
    He could still remember the exact image of
her black hair fluttering about in the breeze, tossing, turning,
and gliding through the hands of the wind. He so damn wanted to be
the wind that day, to feel those strands through his fingers, to
see if they were really soft to the touch. He was mesmerized by
that beautiful girl, at the nerve she imparted upon him when she
dared tear off his towel and at the fading image of her escape. At
that moment he was tempted to follow her.
    Dear Lord, he would have definitely followed
her if he weren’t butt naked. He would have run after her and made
love to her right there against the next available tree. But
goddamn if it weren’t for his neighbor Macy, always hanging about
on her front porch, looking to catch a glimpse of him with his next
woman, then he would have been off after her already.
    Hearing ruffling, his eyes danced back to
the scene in front of him. He watched as the girl rummaged through
her bag but could not produce anything.
    “Miss, I can’t serve you alcohol if you
don’t have ID with you,” the bartender rephrased.
    “I have it in here somewhere,” she grumbled
while she continued searching for her card, her shoulders slumping
in disappointment. Then she turned to the other girl he assumed to
be her friend, who was dressed all in black, like a goth, complete
with coke bottle glasses.
    “Go get Elise. I think I left my wallet in
her bag,” she instructed.
    The friend looked reluctant to leave for a
minute, but then she was off to the other side of the club,
disappearing into the crowd. Now the girl was all alone, but she
still continued to stare at the bartender like she was on death
    At this point, Hunter couldn’t help himself.
Being a Casanova, he just needed to ruffle her feathers a bit and
rescue her from her moment of distress. This girl definitely needed
some lifting up, and he made sure he was the first one to offer her
that service.
    Hunter couldn’t help but marvel at her long
hair that shone brightly under the many colorful disco lights. She
was of petite frame, perching on the stool, her legs dangling like
a little kid’s. Definitely my cup of tea, Hunter
    Not wanting to prolong the wait any longer,
Hunter inched himself closer to
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