Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears

Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears Read Online Free PDF
Author: William Hertling
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thrillers, Technological, Hard Science Fiction
which didn’t seem possible, or they needed a new server pool to run on, or they needed the email server pool to be bigger.
    Consuming less resources was a technical problem. Getting more or different servers, that was a people problem. Namely, convincing the right people of what was needed. He could do something about that.
    He sat back down at his computer. He stretched his arms, moved a few scraps of paper out of the way, and prepared to get to work. He opened up an editor, and started coding.
    * * *
    Hours passed in a blur. David looked at the time display on his screen and groaned. Christine was going to kill him. It was almost four in the morning. She was forgiving about his all consuming work habits, but she gave him hell for pulling all nighters. He’d be grumpy for two days until he made up the sleep, and she’d be pissed at him for being grumpy.
    Trying again to milk the last drop from his coffee cup, he debated the merits of another coffee right now. Well, he had nothing to lose at this point. He stood up, a painful unbending of his spine after hours of hacking code. It had been more than six hours since his discussion with Mike, and he thought he had almost solved their resource problem.
    He padded down the eco-cork floored hallway in his socks carrying his mug. He filled the mug and added sugar and cream, then stood for a few minutes half dazed from lack of sleep, letting the coffee warm him. He glanced up and down the hallway, black and tan patterns on the floor swimming in his fatigued eyes. The drone of the late evening vacuum cleaners was a distant memory, and now it was eerily quiet in the office, the kind of stillness that settled over a space only when every living person had been gone for hours. David wasn’t sure what that said about him. He shuffled back to his desk.
    Hunched over his keyboard, David peered again at the code. The changes he made were subtle, oh so subtle. It was masterful programming, the kind of programming he hadn’t done since the early days of the project when it was just him and Mike. He needed to be extremely careful about each line of code he changed. A single bug introduced now would be the end of the project, if not his career.
    A little more than an hour later, he carefully reviewed the code for the last time. Finally satisfied, David committed his changes to the source code repository. It would be automatically deployed and tested. He smiled for the first time in hours. Problem solved.

    Chapter 3
    Gary Mitchell took the Avogadro exit ramp off the Fremont bridge, and pulled up to the parking gate, headlights bouncing off the reflective paint on the barrier in the early morning darkness. He waved his badge triumphantly at the machine. The barrier rose up, and Gary drove into the nearly empty parking garage, a broad smile on his face.
    It was two days before the deadline to pull ELOPe off the server. David and Mike hadn’t done anything to drop usage. Gary gleefully looked forward to sending an email to Sean Leonov letting him know he was going to kill ELOPe. He’d been looking forward to this day for months.
    He would have liked to have pulled the plug first, and then send the email, but he knew Sean would be angry if he didn’t get a heads up before Gary shut it down.
    It was the first time in a while he’d arrived at the office this early. Gary found the empty building oddly disquieting. He pushed the feeling aside and thought about sending the email, which brought a smile back to his face again. A few minutes later, Gary passed his secretary’s empty desk and went into his own office. His desk computer came to life, and Gary went straight into his email to type the message to Sean.
    From: Gary Mitchell (Communications Products Operations)
    To: Sean Leonov (Executive Team)
    Subject: ELOPe Project
    Time: 6:22am
    Sean, just to give you a heads up, on Friday I’m going to have to pull the production resources for the Email Language Optimization
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