Average Joe and the Extraordinaires

Average Joe and the Extraordinaires Read Online Free PDF

Book: Average Joe and the Extraordinaires Read Online Free PDF
Author: Belart Wright
“She wishes.”
“Follow me.  This way will lead us right out of here.”
“Oh no!”
    The group
looked back and saw a team of guards in blue behind them.  The word W-Sec lined
their clothes like a brand name.  Dahlila and Joe ran like the wind after
Melissa, but she was only a little girl and began to fall behind.
“We need to get out of here now!  Come on!”
picked up Melissa and the girl scrambled onto her back.  Joe was amazed at the
woman’s show of strength, and surprised that even with the extra weight of the
girl that Dahlila still outpaced him.  They approached a fork in the hallway.
“Take the right up there.  Then at the end a left, and be careful, they have
responded to her instructions precisely, with Joe right behind trying to keep
“Now up ahead a left, and run all the way to the end and take a right. Don’t
turn at the middle.”
“I could’ve just took a left the first time.”
“I’m trying to confuse them.  I want them to think that we don’t know where
we’re going.  Now keep running!”
    They ran
and ran, taking another right, then a left, right, left.  They didn’t stop
running until Melissa halted them.
“Dahl, use your level seven keycard for this room.”
swiped one of her keycards and they entered the dark room.  Once they closed
the door behind them, Joe couldn’t see anything.  The little girl shined a
flashlight up towards the ceiling.
“Daddy told me never leave home without one of these.  Daddy’s usually always
right.  Now I need you two to help me climb up there.”
volunteered.  He followed the direction of Melissa’s flashlight to a table and
moved it right below the spot she had pointed.  He climbed atop it, with
Melissa soon after, and pushed up on one of the cold metal tiles.  It proved surprisingly
tough to move, but Joe managed it.  He hoisted little Melissa up and over soon
after and then waited anxiously.  She hadn’t informed Joe or Dahlila what would
happen after they lifted her.  Joe could hear the voices outside getting
closer.  He dared not yell at the girl for fear of being discovered, so he
whispered as loud as he thought possible.
“Psst, Melissa, we need you.  They’re going to be here any minute now.”
    He became
aware of his sweating again.  He had nearly thought that the girl had fled,
until she dropped a rope down for him and Dahlila.
“Come on, hurry!”
climbed up, pulled the rope with them and placed the tile back in the spot
where it was left.  Joe could only see wherever Melissa pointed her flashlight.
    Joe: “So
this somehow leads out of here?”
“Yes just follow me.  I’ve done this a bajillion times before.”
    Joe: “Who
helped you get up here before?”
    In what
little light they had, Joe could see the little girl’s expression turn somber.
“His name was Joe too, and he was a good man.  I told him that he couldn’t
escape through here on his own but he tried anyway.”
“What happened to him?”
“They caught him on level six and that was the last I heard of him.”
“Men never listen to little girls.”
shook her head and walked faster ahead.  She had a much easier time getting
around in the dark than Joe did.  Her small size made navigating the cramped
space no issue, especially compared to Joe, who was crouching down.  He found
it hard not to trip over his own feet.  He had walked into a few strands of
spider web and had nearly eaten some when he went to ask Melissa to slow down. 
Besides the area directly around Melissa and slightly ahead of her, Joe was
surrounded by black.  The group walked as quietly as they could in a direction
that Joe could not even guess.
the three of them did encounter a
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