Ashes in the Wind

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Book: Ashes in the Wind Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
his anger was again turned on the Union officer. Craighugh’s stubborn, square jaw tightened as he hotly declared, “Sir, my daughter is not in the habit of entertaining your men in the absence of a proper chaperon, and most especially, Yankees. If you have business with me, we’ll go into my study, where we won’t disturb the ladies.”
    Cole was about to allay the man’s fears when Roberta interceded. “Daddy, dear—this is Captain Latimer. He met Al at the dock and was kind enough to escort him here.”
    Rumbling in confusion, Angus scowled darkly at his only child. Some of the indignation apparent in his ruddy face yielded to obvious bewilderment. “Al? Him? What is this, Roberta? Some tomfoolery of yours?”
    “Please, Daddy.” She took his hand and her black, shining eyes stared intensely into his. “ He’s in the kitchen getting a bite to eat. Why don’t you and Mama go and greet him.”
    In some consternation the elder Craighughs acceded to their daughter’s urgings. Roberta relaxed a bit as she found herself once more alone with Cole. She graced him with a fetching smile and was about to comment on the heat of the day when, fromthe rear of the house, there came a shrill scream followed, after a breath’s pause, by a rush of confused French. Roberta jumped as if stung, but recovered herself quickly as she realized the captain was already moving past her.
    “No! Please!” she gasped, grasping his arm. She was saved from the need of further physical effort by the reappearance of her father supporting his distraught wife against him and patting her cheek while she continued to babble a stream of incoherent words. Angus hastened to lower his burden to the settee and managed to calm her flood of garbled verbiage.
    “Perhaps I could be of assistance, sir,” Cole offered, stepping near. “I am a doctor.”
    “No!” The answer was sharp and sudden. Angus waved away the other’s help and, struggling to control himself, continued more calmly. “No, please. Forgive her. It was just the surprise—there was a mouse.” He shrugged lamely.
    Cole appeared to accept the excuse until he looked pointedly toward the door where Al had come to lean against the molding, then he nodded. “I think I understand.”
    Roberta twisted her hands anxiously, nervously eyeing the youth. “Al has changed so much, it would give anybody a shock—”
    Leala had regained a small bit of composure and struggled to sit upright. Carefully keeping her gaze away from the lad, she tried to maintain some semblance of poise.
    “You must forgive us all, Captain,” Angus said rather tersely. The older man appeared rather strained as he faced the doctor. “We don’t often have Union officers visiting here. We were sure there was some difficulty, then to see the—ah—boy, Al—”
    The youth sauntered casually into the room, his large boots dragging on the threadbare rug, and gave them his own dirty-faced grin, showing small, sparkling white teeth for a moment. He shrugged and gave the excuse, “Sorry, Uncle Angus. I ain’t never been too good at writin’, and ‘sides, I couldn’ve sent a letter nohow.”
    Angus flinched slightly as the lad spoke, while Leala’s bewildered gaze fastened on the boy and followed his every movement.
    “It’s all right, Al,” Angus managed to reply. “These are hard times.”
    Roberta smiled somewhat tremulously at Cole. “I do hope you don’t think we’re a bunch of ninnies with this display, Captain.”
    “Of course not,” Cole assured her politely, though his eyes, raising to the slim lad, gleamed with amusement.
    Angus moved between and stood where the Yankee could no longer survey the youth. “I hope you will accept our gratitude for bringing Al to us. No telling where the boy would have ended up had it not been for you.”
    Al strolled jauntily across the room, seeming to challenge some comment from the Yankee. Cole responded by giving the youth a twisted grin. “In truth, sir, he
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